Chapter 3 New Family

When I opened my eyes, there was a short woman with long purple hair and purple eyes, and a tall man with brown hair and green eyes. These must be my new family. I can't understand them because they're not speaking Japanese. I guess I'll be learning a new language. Oh, this is not good. But I think I'll learn quickly due to my high intelligence. I guess... I guess they're trying to play with me because I'm a baby right now. My brain still has some baby cells, so I involuntarily enjoy it. Being a baby again... It's quite nice. But wait a second. I wasn't a good person, was I? Why was I given this chance? Did I deserve it? Did they do this to make me suffer? The goddess said something to me. What did she say? I can't remember. Anyway, let's continue for now. I need to learn my parents' names. Two little girls are coming. I guess these are my big sisters. A man is coming. Hmm, probably seventeen years old. I think he's my big brother. My big brother's name must be Kenji. My big sisters' names are... The little one is Arisu. Arisu must be around 8 years old. What's the name of the older one? Why don't they say it? Ah, the older one is... Mai. I guess she's 12-13 years old. My big sisters have long purple hair and red eyes. My big brother has red hair and purple eyes. Why don't they still say their own names? My mother's name is Kanao. And my father's name is Koichi. Why are the names of the people here in Japanese? That's so odd. They speak a different language but their names are Japanese. I'll think about this. How will my life be here? I'm excited. A real family. A normal life. No one thinking about using me for some purpose. I'm happy. It seems they find it strange that I'm not crying even though I'm newly born. But they seem very happy because I'm born. And I'm very happy too. Excitement... Happiness... Joy... Fear... I'm finally feeling emotions, huh?