Chapter 243 Bursting Rage_1

The next morning, Ye Long was still in a haze, deep in slumber, when Mei knocked on his door!

"Little Bad Egg, look at the time, no more sleeping, get up and have breakfast!" Mei called from outside.

"Ha~ wait a minute, I'm still sleepy, let me sleep a little longer, ha!" Ye Long mumbled from his bed. Last night he had spent the entire evening thinking about Mei, which left him utterly frustrated. Not being able to have something desirable right in front of you was an agonizing feeling.

Therefore, Ye Long had insomnia last night, not getting a wink of sleep. Now that he finally managed to doze off, he naturally wanted to seize the moment to catch up on some well-needed rest!

Because later, he was going to meet up with an internet friend named Yunyun for a date. Since it was a date, he had to be lively and ready to have a good time!