Chapter 244: Deliver Themselves to the Door!_1

Ye Long looked at his Little Bumblebee parked in front of the building; now, it had become a pile of scrap metal just like Mei's dominant SUV!

"Damn it, who did this!" Ye Long walked up angrily, his Little Bumblebee was completely wrecked.

Right now, Ye Long was seething. If the person who did this appeared in front of him at this moment, it was quite possible Ye Long would strangle him to death!

"Little Bad Egg, did you offend someone again?" Mei asked.

Ye Long wore a gloomy expression. Speaking of the people he had offended, there were quite a few, indeed. He then said, "Apart from pretty girls, I've offended everyone I should!"

"Then I guess it's impossible to find out who smashed your car!" Mei said with a shrug.

"Crap..." Ye Long's face twisted in annoyance, was his babe magnet just scrapped like that?

"This is a high-end residential area, there are cameras everywhere. Do you want to check the security room? There might still be some hope!" Mei suggested to Ye Long.