Pep rally for the slackers

I was sitting by the window deep in my thoughts. My recent visit to my brother has been eventful to say the least. I was here for something and I'm getting quite close to it, but I still have to figure the meaning behind it. Giuseppe was a man with many secrets. To uncover some of them would require some work. But I have to be quiet. But that hasn't been easy because of Damon and his tantrums. 

Tension grew among us since last night, Damon's act of pervasive aggression against Stefan is something that I find very disgusting. Yet we both have done nothing to stop him. We know Damon, this has been his pattern over the centuries, come into Stefan's life and cause chaos. He can't do it to me since he knows how I am.

A part of me wants to believe in what Stefan thinks is true. That our brother is in there somewhere yet, I can't see it in his eyes. Like his body his soul is dead, devoid of anything that would make him human. I have stayed my hand until now for the sake of keeping peace. Yet now I wonder if my methods of keeping peace is giving way to make more chaos.

"Hey" I heard Stefan calling out to me from the door. I looked at him, he was wearing a burgundy jersey or was it cardinal. I wasn't sure.


"I'm going to the pep rally you're coming?" Stefan asked

"Yeah, you go ahead… I'll be there." I smiled and he nodded and walked past the door. 

I sighed and got up from my chair. I walked to the liquor stand and poured myself a drink. I needed to do something before I went to the rally. 


I pulled my car over to the side of the road and made my way into the town cemetery. I was here to visit Dad. The Salvatore family tomb was deep into the heart of this place. We have always been an integral part of this small town. All of us, in small and big ways.

I chose today to come here because there will be no one. I wanted to have some quiet time with the old man. I found the family crypt it was like us old and decrepit. I walked inside the thing and it was dusty. The thing hasn't been cleaned in quite some time. 

I saw the names on the tombs, Stefan, Damon, mine. "Giuseppe Salvatore…. Giuseppe?" I looked around and there were many salvatores but there was no Giuseppe. "Where the fuck is that bastard?"

Stefan kept writing and going about how his loved ones are buried here yet, there is no tomb for that old bastard. Where is he?


The sun started to set and the people of Mystic fall gathered at the school field for the pep rally. Everyone was excited cause they heard that the school got a new star player. Everyone was excited and happy well except for one person. 

Everyone was here, the students, the town folks and even some monsters. But hey Mystic falls has always been an accepting place. Among all these people. A group of teen girls were present. 2 of them in cheerleader outfits while the other was dressed in normal clothes.

"Where is he?" Bonnie kept looking here and there hoping to get a glance of Tom. He said that he'll be here.

"He bad at keeping his mouth shut and now he's bad at keeping his words. I wonder why he got kicked out of college." Caroline smirked as she blurted it out.

"Stefan said he had some thing to do. Maybe he got tied up." Elena assured Bonnie and looked at Caroline with a serious face.

"Let's go, Bonnie. We have some cheering to do." Caroline grabbed Bonnie and took her.

Elena followed them but joined the students, the bon fire was lit and the celebration started. Stefan was standing with the team. He looked awkward like always but Elena found it charming and cute. As the coach came on to the stand to give his speech. 

A red barracuda playmouth pulls up into the school grounds, it was none other than Tom. He got out of the car and was making his way to the shindig but stopped in his tracks when he saw Jeremy. He was the little brother of Elena. He walked towards the young lad. And said, "Jeremy right?"

Jeremy looked him up and down and wiped the whiskey off his chin and said, "You're that guy… who are you again?"

"Tom, Thomas Salvatore." Tom reached out to Jeremy to shake his hand and the young man politely shook it and Tom asked, "Not, to big on pep rally?"

"I'm celebrating my own way." Jeremy smirked and offered him the bottle.

Tom took it and drank it, was a little cheep to the thing he's used to drinking but it was still good. "It's a bit malty."

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked.

"Came to show my support to my little bro." Tom smiled as he drank and passed the bottle.

"Oh, yeah… he's good… at least that's what the coach has been saying." Jeremy chuckled and took another sip.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." 

Jeremy squinted and said, "Are you going to be all like you shouldn't do this all camp council thing."

Tom chuckled and said, "No, I was going to ask… do you have some dope on you?"

"Dope? Who calls it dope anymore." Jeremy laughed and so did the other drunk wasters on the back of the truck.

There was a loud cheer from the crowd and Tom and Jeremy looked at it and Jeremy saw Vicki. He looked down and drank again.

"It's hard huh?" Jeremy looked at him. "It's hard when you love someone and they don't… it sucks." 

Jeremy shrugged and said, "Whatever man."

Tyler came out of the crowd and saw Jeremy and he saw him too. It was like seeing fire meeting gasoline. Both of the guys walked toward each other but Tommy stopped Jeremy and Tyler said, "Yeah, you better keep him in check or I'll put him where he belongs."

Jeremy tried to leap out of Tom hands but he couldn't Tom was holding him back quite literally. "Back off… Tyler."

Tyler's breath grew heavy and he walked towards tom and punched him in the back of the head. Tom turned around and looked at him. "Do you realise what you've done?" Tyler looked at him thinking that he didn't hit him hard enough and decided to throw another punch. Tom caught it and head but Tyler in the face. Breaking his nose and knocking him out.

The noise from the whole commotion had caused everyone to turn their heads towards them. Tom cursed and said, "We should leave." He looked at Jeremy who was beyond happy. Ecstatic even, he nodded and both of them got inside his car and Tom peeked out of it and said, "Vicki! Vicki! Make sure he wakes up soon or he'll have more brain damage than he already has." 

He saw Elena, Stefan and Bonnie and said, "I'll see you all at the Grill. Peace." He quickly turned the car around making a dust cloud and booked it out of the school. 

"That was amazing." Jeremy looked at him with pure bliss.

Tom laughed and looked at the kid. It was fun, even Tom have to admit it.