Intermediate of Balls

The pep rally came to a weird conclusion, it was supposed to fill the town with pride and excitement, but it fulled its fear. Coach Tanner was attacked by an animal same as Vicki. The towns people were living in panic on the edge and amongst everything there was supposed to be the Founders Ball. Will this event be like others where the animal would show his fangs to the people of the town, this was the thought in my mind.

I woke up a little late than I usually do, I was up all night reading up Stefan's journals and I have found the place. I'm not sure if it's there but that's the only place I can think of right now. I was determined to get it today but I don't think I will be able to.

I looked at my phone and I saw Bonnie's call. I picked it up and got up from the bed. "Yello."

"Hi… do you have a suit?" The question seemed a little odd, that it made my brows curl up.

"Yeah… too many actually."

"Great, then come to the founders ball with me… I don't have anyone to go with."

Formal parties are not something that I have ever been good at nor do I enjoy them. Yet for some reason, "I would love to, should I come and pick you up?"

"Yeah… that'd be great."


"Bye." I hung up the phone and looked out the window and remembered that time, the first founders ball. The memory of that night always brings fond memories. 

"Reminiscing brother?" It was Damon, "So all the Salvatore brothers going to the ball huh?" I turned around and saw him holding a bottle of bourbon, he poured two glasses and said, "At east you, were invited this time." He gave me one glass and drank from another

"Bold of you to come to me." I took a sip and it was good. 

"Well, I thought that I'd personally come and give you the good news… the animal was caught." 

"That's a bit better."

"I know… since I have decided to extend my visit… I thought it was best that I or we keep a low profile." I looked at him and he said, "The couple in the mountains was you right?"

"Why go to the ball?" I asked him and his head tilted a little "Caroline's scent is still fresh on you. You met her this morning. Since Bonnie and Elena are going no doubt she is too and you're coming with her like a leech. So you want to go to the ball. The question is why? What is there?"

Damon's face twisted into a smirk and said, "Well done… Blade. But why don't you come and see for yourself?"

I took another swig of the bourbon and said, "I really don't care what you do Damon… just be careful and don't cause a scene."

He rolled his eyes and said, "You're no fun…" he walked out of the room and I looked at the door. "Well, you're a party pooper."


I got dressed in a mid grey suite with powdered blue shirt with checks. I wore oxford black shoes and was looking for a good tie. I landed on a royal blue tie with white dots. I wore an old time piece with black straps. I looked myself in the mirror and I looked good. Satisfied with my look I walked out the door and decided to check in on the two. Both of them were getting ready together.

 I found them in the room dicking around with each other. Damon saw me and asked, "Are you going as Conel. Sanders?"

"And you're going as ugly Lex Luthor?" 

"Why don't you go ahead… Bonnie must be waiting." Stefan looked at me and I could see that he was holding something inside him. 

"Okay… but no fighting you two. Not today…" I warned the two.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Damon smirked.

I sighed and walked away from there. I got into my car and drove off to Bonnie's. When I arrived in front of her house. I didn't got out of my car. I could see her in the window and rather than going up to the door I just honked the horn. An old woman opened the door and looked at me. Her eyes pierced deep into my soul. This was her grams, I have never met her nor do I want to. Old hags are never fun

Bonnie came running downstairs, she placed a kiss on the cheeks of the old hag and came to the car. Her grams let her come with me, even when knowing what I am. She must be testing me or she must be testing her. 

Bonnie came up to the car and I reached to the other side and opened the door. She sat down and said, "You clean up nice."

"Thank you… you look beautiful like season spring." She was wearing a white dress with a floral print.

She blushed and I revved the car and we were off to the Lockwood mansion.


We arrived at the venue of the founders party and there were many people present. It was hard to be with Bonnie but at the same time. I felt at ease with her, I think she did too. We arrived at the gate and we were met with Mrs. Lockwood at the door greeting the arriving attendees.

"Bonnie! Oh you look refreshing." Mrs. Lockwood smiled and then looked at me titled her head, "And who's this dashing young man you brought with you?"

I smiled and looked at her and Bonnie said, "This is Thomas Salvatore… my friend."

"Oh another Salvatore huh? You guys come in a six pack?" She chuckled.

"You'll have remove the shirt to see, but they are there." Bonnie looked at me with surprise and Mrs. Lockwood blushed and said, "Oh, you're too much… come on in."

I nodded and both of us walked inside and Bonnie looked at me and asked, "Wow."

"Oh, come on… it's all in good fun and it's not like I lied. You can certainly free to check for yourself." 

"You're unbelievable."

"I know."

Both of us roamed around the house looking at things, from the bygone era and it did bring some memories back. Good and bad. 

"It must have been fun to live during those times… no school, no homework." Bonnie said to me.

I turned to her and looked at her with a serious look and she said, "Yeah, yeah I know there was all that bad stuff as well… but it's couldn't have been all bad?"

"Same could be said for today. But we don't get to choose. People back then had different struggles. Like staying alive after you got a bad cold or TB… Syphilis. God there were so many."

Bonnie chuckled and said, "You sometimes talk like a grandpa. All like "Back in my days.""

"Well, that's what you get for bringing him to a party." It was Caroline and who was with her Damon.

"Oh boy." I sighed and Bonnie looked at her and whispered, "Can you not do that… Im having a great time."

"Whatever." Caroline rolled her eyes and then looked across the room and it was Stefan. He was walking with Elena and she flagged them down and in this moment I felt a complete and pure dread.

"Elena." I nodded, she nodded back and smiled.

"What going on?" Elena asked. I saw a plate of hoederve and they looked excuitsite. I picked one and was eating it.

"Nothing… that's what I'm bored… and Damon won't dance with me." Caroline whined. "Can I borrow your date?"

"I don't know it's up to Stefan?" Elena looked at Stefan with don't go please. 

"I don't dance. But Tom does?" Stefan looked at me with my mouth occupied. "Come again?" I asked.

"Yeah… I would love to see you dance." Bonnie smiled.

"Why?" I asked. Bonnie then grabbed Caroline and I looked at Stefan and he just gave up and I groaned and followed them out.


We were outside in the night and the music was good and slow. It was a perfect atmosphere for dance but my partner was someone that I didn't expect. She looked at me and asked, "Do you even know how to dance?"

I scoffed and grabbed her hand and pulled her in closer, she yelped in surprise and we started to move together. 

We both kept looking at each other and it was very uncomfortable but we were doing it for Bonnie. I looked at Bonnie and asked, "It doesn't make sense…"

"She wants us to get along." Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes.

"She really cares for you huh?" 

She shrugged and said, "Why wouldn't see I'm awesome."

I chuckled and said, "And vain…"

She looked at me for a while and asked, "Why do you always do that?"

I scrunched my eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"Whenever I try to get closer to Stefan… you just jump in the middle… why?"

"Don't you have Damon?"

"You know it better than anyone… I don't like him… he's mean."

I chuckled and she was confused, "I'm not laughing at you… it's just that the mildest thing anyone has ever said about my brother."

"Well he is… and you never take me seriously… like I'm a beautiful girl, so many guys in my school… bend over backwards to cater to me."

I just shrugged and said, "I have a two part reply to it." She nodded and I could see a small laugh behind her serious expression. "First off, your're beautiful no doubt there… but there are other beautiful girls and secondly… you are not like Elena or Bonnie. They care and I'm not saying that you don't you do… I think you care too much of what others think. I would say learn to accept yourself and forgive your shortcomings."

She looked at me and for a moment there was no contempt in her eyes and she asked "And the second part?"

"You're like a kitten… it's kinda hard to take you seriously." I chuckled and she slapped my hand and said, "Not cool."

The song needed and I think we did get closer to each other. "My turn." I felt her hands on my shoulder and turned around and I saw that look on her face. The eyes wide open and her mouth agape with horror. "What are you?"


This will be a two part chapter other one will drop tomorrow. See you guys then and if possible. Can we get higher in the power rankings please?