Chapter 3 He, Seventh Master Jian, Has Learned it Too!_1

Ye Qingci's body suddenly stiffened, breaking out in goosebumps.

Jian Shichu also froze slightly.

He had mysophobia, extremely severe mysophobia.

He possessed countless riches and was devastatingly handsome, countless women flocked to him like moths to a flame.

Since childhood, he had all kinds of women around him, but his mysophobia made him disgusted by them.

He was allergic to women's makeup. No matter what kind of woman, the closest he would ever get to them was a mere hug.

He had never been kissed even though he had grown so big.

Because of this, he had been ridiculed countless times by his brothers and bad influence friends.

He hated kissing.

He found kissing disgusting.

He really didn't understand why those bad-influence friends of his enjoyed it so relentlessly.

Making him eat someone else's saliva was worse than asking him to die!

But today, as his thin lips brushed past the cheek of the girl before him, the sensation was surprisingly not bad.

"Get lost..." Ye Qingci forcefully pushed him away.

One chased, and the other fled.

One sought to overpower, the other desperately resisted—there was a "thud," and Ye Qingci was accidentally pushed down by Jian Shichu, her head hitting the floor, her body convulsing, her eyes slowly closing, and she fainted once again.

"Shit!" Jian Shichu cursed harshly, jumped off the bed, and gave Ye Qingci a fierce kick, "Stupid girl, why are you so difficult?"

Think about it, Jian Shichu owns the largest business conglomerate in Empire Country.

His wealth had been crowned number one on the wealth charts time and again.

Women coveting him could line up from the South Pole to the North Pole, of all shapes and sizes, complete in every category.

Today, he whimsically decided to grace this woman with his presence, and she had the audacity to resist, refusing to comply till death.


Very good!

So, Ye Qingci, right?

You are dead meat!

Someday, I will make you willingly kneel at my feet and beg me!

Jian Shichu carelessly grabbed a blanket, threw it over Ye Qingci, and stomped out in a rage.


When Ye Qingci woke up again, she found herself lying in bed.

The snow-white ceiling, the noble furniture, the elegant decorations, the ornate and beautiful crystal lamp, the embroidered bedsheets emitting a faint scent—everything was luxurious and opulent, comparable to an imperial palace.

Confused, she sat up, feeling a sharp pain in her hand.

She frowned and lifted her hands to her eyes.

The injured spot at her fingertips had been treated with medicine, leaving a sharp sting mingled with a shallow coolness and faint fragrance.

Although it still hurt, it was within a bearable range now.

She stared blankly at her hands.

What had happened to her?

Hadn't she been tied up in the basement by that tyrant, Jian Shichu?

How did she suddenly end up here?

Someone had even changed her clothes and treated her wounds.

What had happened?

She flipped the blanket off and put on her shoes to get off the bed.

Pushing open the room door, crossing the long hallway, and reaching the carved mahogany spiral staircase, she could clearly see how lavish the house was.

As Ye Qingci looked at the decorations and furnishings before her, she was once again astounded by the splendor.

She was an orphan who had been adopted by the Ye family at a young age.

The Ye family is also one of the prestigious and wealthy families, residing in the most expensive villa area in Yun City.

The Ye family villa was considered a luxurious mansion in Yun City; however, when compared to the palace-like house in front of her, the Ye family villa could barely be called modest affordable housing.

Even the imperial palaces in TV dramas were nothing more than this.

She moved step by step, slowly descending the staircase when suddenly, the sound of porcelain plates hitting the ground and angry cursing reached her ears.

"What kind of trash is this? How can it taste so bad? Are you all pigs? You've prepared nothing but pigswill!"

This was... the voice of that demon, Jian Shichu!

Ye Qingci's footsteps stiffened for a moment, then she resumed walking, turned the corner of the staircase, and the first thing that caught her eye was a mess of broken pieces and various scattered foods.

All the exquisite food had been knocked to the ground by Jian Shichu, the aroma wafting through the air.

As the scent of food reached her nose, Ye Qingci's stomach rumbled a few times. The food was on the ground but still looked very appetizing.

She unconsciously licked her lips.

She was hungry.

She had been abducted to this place and hadn't had a bite of food or a drop of water for at least two days and nights.

At this moment, if given a hard bun, she could devour it in a few bites, but that bastard Jian Shichu described a feast comparable to a full Manchu-Han banquet as pig swill, tossing it all to the ground.

Perhaps because her resentment was so strong, Jian Shichu lifted his gaze toward her direction, glanced at her, and said, "Come here!"

The look and tone with which Jian Shichu called her was as if he was calling a dog he owned.

Ye Qingci stopped in her tracks.

Why should she go over just because he told her to?

She refused to go!

Seeing her standing still, not moving an inch, Jian Shichu's lips curled sardonically, "Think carefully, come over by yourself, or I'll go carry you."

Remembering what Jian Shichu had done to her before she lost consciousness, Ye Qingci shivered and, very reluctantly, walked down the stairs toward him.

Passing by the food scattered all over the floor, Ye Qingci couldn't help but secretly swallow her saliva and cursed in her heart once again for such wanton waste.

Just as she stood before Jian Shichu, before she even steadied herself, her arm was grabbed by Jian Shichu, her vision blurred, and she was pressed onto the sofa by the whole weight of him.

A faint fragrance lingered around Jian Shichu's nose as he buried his head in her neck and bit down hard.

"Ow!" Ye Qingci trembled in pain, pushed Jian Shichu forcefully, and covered her neck, "Jian Shichu, were you born in the year of the dog or something?"

He wanted this woman!

"Ye Qingci, I'm giving you three seconds to sign this agreement right now!" Jian Shichu grabbed a stack of papers from the coffee table and threw them onto Ye Qingci.

"What?" Ye Qingci, clutching her neck and looking at the documents on her body, was full of question marks.

"Look at how foolish you are!" Jian Shichu looked her up and down, openly mocking her, "Your face is the only thing worthy to look at on your whole body!"

Ye Qingci's face turned red with anger, and she retorted unceremoniously, "That's exactly what I've been wanting to say to you — out of your whole body, only your face is decent to look at!"

This man was the most handsome she had ever seen.

His features were so delicately crafted, they seemed like the work of a master artisan, flawless.

His eyes and brows exuded an intimidating aura of authority, and just sitting there casually, he was like an emperor overseeing his realm, commanding an inescapable sense of oppression.

Truth be told, the vibe he emitted scared her a lot.

He was like a domineering ancient monarch, possessing wealth, power, and the fates of countless lives in his hands, arrogant, violent, unpredictable, and with an air of supreme egotism.

Ye Qingci could never guess what unexpected action he would take next.

But since childhood, she had always been unyielding, and if Jian Shichu made life difficult for her, she had no desire to make it easy for him either.

It turned out that being stubborn was not always an advantage.

It may have felt good to retort for just a second, but then she was pressed against the sofa by Jian Shichu once again.

She was the first woman who had dared to talk back to him!

The other women in his presence were either desperately flaunting themselves or too frightened to utter a word — which one of them dared to speak against him like she did, even daring to retort time and time again?

She needs immediate consequences!

Just in a single day, disaster had struck; her first, second, and third kisses were all gone. Ye Qingci, covering her lips, was on the verge of tears.

In front of Jian Shichu, she felt like a lamb to the slaughter, completely devoid of any ability to resist.

Jian Shichu, in a good mood, picked up the documents again and threw them at her, "Either sign now, or I'll keep kissing you until you agree to sign. Your choice!"