Chapter 4 Unrivaled_1

Those who understand the times are the true elites, and even if Ye Qingci was naive, she recognized that provoking Jian Shichu would only lead to her own disadvantage.

She endured and endured, picked up the contract, and put it in front of her, frowning, "What is this?"

The stack of agreements was as thick as a copy of the Xinhua Dictionary, and to her astonishment, they were all in French!

She majored in English in college, with a minor in Italian. Her French extended only to basic everyday phrases. She couldn't comprehend such specialized documents at all.

"This is a very romantic agreement," Jian Shichu leaned forward to pick up a stemmed glass from the coffee table, leisurely reclining on the sofa with a sip, every gesture relaxed and elegant, yet full of commanding presence, "Country F is known as the most romantic country in the world. Since we are signing a romantic agreement, naturally it should be in the language of the most romantic country."

Ye Qingci, holding the contract, trembled with rage.

For her level of French, translating hundreds of pages of the agreement would take at least several days and nights.

Before she could translate it, she had no clue what the agreement stated; even if Jian Shichu were selling her off, she wouldn't realize it!

It was unmistakably an unequal treaty!

Which bastard had come up with such a shameless and rotten idea?

"I won't sign!" Knowing it was nothing good, Ye Qingci threw it violently away and bolted for the door.

She had barely made it two steps before Jian Shichu caught her arm and dragged her back to the sofa.

Her attempt to escape enflamed Jian Shichu.

He looked down at Ye Qingci, "So? Are you going to sign it now, or...?"

Jian Shichu was right. In Yun City, he was the law itself. It wasn't just a woman he wanted—had he desired a whole city, it would've been within easy reach.

Once in his clutches, unless he let go, she would be at his mercy, with no chance of escaping his palm.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Jian Shichu pinched her chin, his voice dropping colder, "Speak!!"

Ye Qingci lay there, staring blankly at a point in space, lost in thought.

She didn't want to sign.

She knew it wasn't anything good and would rather die than sign it.

She couldn't understand why, of all the people in the world, she had to be the unlucky one who fell into the hands of a monster like Jian Shichu?

As she was daydreaming, footsteps approached.

Jian Shichu's assistant, Xiao Ying, entered the living room and reported gently, "Master, Young Master Ye Jingzhi from the Ye family has arrived."

Hearing her elder brother's name, Ye Qingci's vacant gaze suddenly sharpened, and she looked up abruptly, "My elder brother is here?"

Interrupted, Jian Shichu withdrew his hand with impatience and sat up lazily, "Who is this Young Master Ye? What's he here for? Do I know him?"

Xiao Ying glanced at Ye Qingci with a mild yet helpless smile, "Master, Ye Jingzhi is Miss Ye Qingci's elder brother. You brought Miss Qingci here two days and nights ago. The Ye family has been searching for her for the same amount of time and has only just located this place."

Recalling Ye Jingzhi's status, Jian Shichu scoffed, pinching Ye Qingci's chin, "Isn't she just an adopted daughter? The Ye family really cares! But Ye Jingzhi is quite capable, managing to find this place. What does he want?"

Xiao Ying glanced at Ye Qingci again, "Master, Young Master Ye wants to take Miss Ye home."

"Home?" Jian Shichu sneered, "Does he think he can just take someone from me and bring them back home? Has Ye Jingzhi weighed his own worth? But..."

He lifted his hand and pinched Ye Qingci's chin again, "He reminded me though, Ye Qingci, if you don't obediently comply, I can just charge your brother for it. What do you say?"

"Jian Shichu, you bastard! If you dare touch a finger on my elder brother, I will never let you go, even as a ghost!" Ye Qingci, like a cat with its tail stepped on, suddenly lashed out, shoving Jian Shichu down onto the sofa and grabbing his throat.

However, her strength was nothing compared to Jian Shichu's.

Jian Shichu flipped over easily, escaping her grip and pinning her down in turn.

Jian Shichu pressed down heavily on her, his eyes filled with malevolence, "Ye Qingci, behave! I'm not someone you can defy! Got it?"

Ye Qingci trembled violently, her head pounding with rising fury, her lips quivering, unable to utter a word.

Jian Shichu slightly lifted his body and threw the agreement onto her again, "I'm gracing you by letting you sign your name on my agreement. You dare not sign, you should know what offending Seventh Master Jian entails!"

Ye Qingci's shaking became more intense.

Of course, she knew!

How could she not be aware!

Jian Shichu, the only Crown Prince of the main branch of the Jian family, was a genius from birth. At eighteen, he designed the world's first artificial intelligence ornamental robot, establishing his Robot Kingdom, Shengshi Heavenly.

In just three years, the Shengshi Heavenly Consortium, with its unstoppable momentum, seized the title of the highest market value consortium in Empire Country, with Jian Shichu topping the wealth rankings for the first time, and maintaining that position ever since.

Moreover, this formidable power was just the tip of the iceberg of Jian Shichu's capabilities.

Behind Jian Shichu stood the century-old prestigious Jian family.

Although the main branch of the Jian family had only Jian Shichu as its heir, he had six cousins from side branches, each a remarkable figure in their own right, controlling industries in Empire Country such as mining, media, electronics, and healthcare.

In Yun City, let alone the entire Empire Country, no one dared to challenge Jian Shichu.