A wolf-2

"Answer me!" Arun yelled once again, "Am I supposed to remember my past? Should I know who I am?"

The wolf stayed silent for a few seconds and then spoke, "Maybe something went very wrong when you were being transferred to this world. This is the first time in ages that I have seen an anomaly with no memory. It is very strange,"

First time in ages? Does this mean that this game is a normal occurrence of these beings?

"So what now? Can you help me get my memory back?" the wolf shook his head, "Please… wolf guy.. I cannot live without my memory… I will even think about joining your boy band if you help me,"

"Boy band?" the wolf sounded as if he didnt like his terminology, "A familia is not a boy band. It is a team, a team that you would need in order to win the game. A team, that will help every step of the way, to the top!"

"Potato patata," he said nonchalantly, "I dont give a fuck. I dont trust you guys enough to bow my knees and swear allegiance to you, or your group. I mean, how can I trust you?"

"What kind of question is that? You are an anomaly. You are supposed to be people like you," He shook his head, he understood that he couldnt make the wolf understand his reason.

"Yeah yeah yeah.." He said, "Cut the crap, and tell me… how the fuck can I get the fuck out of here?"

"You cannot. This connection is made so that I make you understand what kind of foolish mistake you making. Until that is resolved, you cannot get out of here,"

"So you are going to starve me to death if I dont accept your terms?"

"You won't starve to death. You might be here, but your physical body is on the first floor,"

"Really?" he was amazed.

It was then he heard the wolf chuckle, "Feeble mortal… Have you thought about what is protecting your body out there? In real-time, you are just unconscious and lying in the middle of a jungle." Arun understood the situation.

"You know I can kill you right?" the wolf started bearing its fangs, "Then come at me. I will tear every limb out of your body.." The wolf stood up tall, towering over him. A green froth started dripping down the wolf's mouth. The saliva then made contact with the ground, and the dirt started sizzling as if its saliva was made of acid.

But Arun remained unfazed, he walked towards the wolf and came to a stop in front of it. "Well let's get it over with. Kill me," he said with confidence.

The wolf didnt move, and just stared into his eyes, "Why are not afraid boy? What is giving you such confidence?"

Arun smiled at the wolf and told him the truth, "Because I know that you dont want to kill me," the wolf was left astonished, while he continued, "You brought me here, trying to convince me that I should accept the invitation. You are trying to force me as if it is very important for you that I accept the invitation… You are more powerful than me. From what I can sense, you can kill me at any moment. Yet you are being so patient with me… You must really want me?"

The wolf didnt say a thing and also stopped showing his fangs to him. "I can see why he desperately wants you… You are just like him,"

"So let's talk business now, shall we?" Arun said. The wolf sat down "What do you have in your mind?"

"I want to make changes to the invitation that you guys have for me. I want to set my own rules,"

"And why would I do that?"

Arun passed the wolf a smile, "Because I am worth it," he said, "If setting rules is not on the table, then I dont even talk about it. Kill me and get this over with,"

Ever since he heard about Familia, one of the questions that had bothered him is, why is there a need for a Familia to begin with? From the orientation of his first day, it was clear that this game was a race. A race to the Top. Grouping together would help in some way, but why group by the Familia? What are the beings getting out of forming a team in the first place? He understood that there was something these beings were getting out of forming teams, but he couldnt understand what.

When he assumed that these beings were getting something out of this, he figured that it would make sense to recruit strong players to their team. And this is why he was confident that The Destroyer of the Worlds really wanted him. He was a strong player, at least, that is what he thinks so.

So now the question was, whether this wolf would take a bite or not.

The wolf took his time, and finally answered, "What kind of changes are you thinking of?"

"Number one, I am not the kind of a guy that is cut out to be a spy. I am a Shikari, I am a hunter through and through. So, I would not be taking any part in covert operations or anything like that,"

The wolf thought about it for a second, then nodded, "So, you are saying that ultimately you would be acting as a hitman for the Familia?"

"Yup," and then he quickly added, "Also, I will retain the right to kill whoever and however I want. I won't have a quest that would force me to kill someone, that I dont want to,"

"That is just absurd? What makes you think that we will agree to suck a request?"

"Because you won't find a better hitman than me," Arun said with a smile.

And with that, he added some more rules in the mix, his ultimate goal was to make sure that he was not the slave of the Familia. What surprised him was the fact that the wolf agreed to most of his requests, without a fight. Which made him think that this Familia was more desperate than he thought it to be….