Back to school

A long week had passed since the incident, a week where the confines of my bed became my world. The desire to rise was there, but my body rebelled, weighed down by an invisible force that commanded rest. Yet, as the days trickled by, a newfound strength began to stir within me, a gentle whisper that spoke of recovery and resilience.

The nightmares that once haunted my sleep, filled with visions of the figure with menacing red and purple eyes, began to fade. Each night, the specter would loom, its hand raised with a dagger gleaming ominously, only for me to awaken just as the blade was poised to strike.

But as my body healed, so did my mind, and the terror of those dreams dissipated like mist under the morning sun.

Today marked a turning point. I awoke with the dawn, the first fingers of light creeping through the curtains to brush against my cheeks. Today I was definetly going back to school because being in my was getting borring.