Blackwell history

The teacher's eyes bore into mine, a piercing gaze that seemed to search for something within me. "I've never seen you before, you're new," she stated, more an accusation than a question.

Her words hung in the air, and for a moment, I was lost in the absurdity of the situation. Was it possible she didn't remember me? My mind raced with thoughts, each more frantic than the last, until her voice cut through the chaos once again.

"You don't know how to speak?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm, eliciting chuckles from some of the students. I felt a surge of seriousness wash over me, dispelling the haze of confusion.

"I'm not new, I was just absent," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

She reached for her list, her movements deliberate. "What's your name?" she inquired, her tone neutral yet expectant.