Don't ever touch my perfect match

As I watched the sparring match unfold before me, I couldn't help but be impressed by the skill and agility of Aurelia and her soldiers. Their movements were like a well-choreographed dance, each strike and parry executed with precision.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers broke away from the fight and approached me. She was a demon girl named Jade, with fiery red hair that fell in wild curls around her shoulders. Her eyes were a striking shade of emerald green, and there was a fierce determination in her gaze.

"I heard that you know how to fight with a sword, and I wish to face you," Jade said, her voice tinged with challenge.

I couldn't help but smile at her boldness. "Why not? It could be great. But first, I need another outfit. I'm not fighting in a dress."

Jade nodded in understanding before disappearing to fetch me a suitable fighting outfit. Meanwhile, Aurelia approached me, her expression unreadable.