You wrote a letter

Consciousness crept back to me like a cautious predator, its presence unwelcome and disorienting. My eyelids fluttered open, revealing a room that was both grandiose and oppressive. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of valor and conquest, their vibrant threads a stark contrast to the cold stone they covered.

High above, the ceiling arched into a cavernous dome, where a chandelier hung like a frozen waterfall of crystals, casting eerie shadows across the room.

I tried to move, only to find my wrists bound tightly, the ropes cutting into my skin with every twitch. Panic fluttered in my chest, but I forced it down, taking in my surroundings with a critical eye.

The room was circular, with tall, narrow windows that let in slivers of moonlight, painting the floor with silvery streaks. Opposite me, a grand fireplace stood cold and empty, its mantle lined with strange artifacts and dusty tomes.