Close your eyes

As the guard's command echoed down the corridor, my heart skipped a beat. I froze, my mind racing for a plan of escape. But before I could react, adrenaline surged through me, urging me into action.

With a quick glance around, I spotted a nearby alcove shrouded in darkness. Without hesitation, I darted toward it, my footsteps silent against the cold stone floor. As I pressed myself against the shadowed wall, I held my breath, praying that I hadn't been spotted.

The guards rushed past, their heavy footsteps fading into the distance. Relief washed over me like a cool breeze, but I knew I couldn't afford to relax just yet. Zeke's castle was a labyrinth of secrets and danger, and I was merely a pawn in his twisted game.

Gathering my courage, I ventured out from my hiding spot, my senses alert for any sign of danger. Every step was a test of nerve, each shadow a potential threat lurking in the darkness.