Can't they just leave Lydia alone

I leaned against a weathered stone wall in the village, my body aching from the earlier fight. The midday sun blazed down, casting long shadows and highlighting the deep lines of fatigue etched into the faces of the villagers.

They moved slowly, their shoulders hunched under the weight of their struggles. I watched them from my shaded spot, contemplating my next move.

Despite the physical exhaustion, my mind was racing. The king and queen were corrupt, that much was clear. Their lavish lifestyle was a stark contrast to the suffering of their people. I needed to find a way to expose them, but it wouldn't be easy. 

As I pondered my options, movement near the village entrance caught my eye. Lydia, surrounded by a small group of villagers, was distributing food. Her presence was a beacon of hope in this desolate place, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for her.