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As I walked with the servant back towards the castle, my mind was clouded with thoughts. There was something about the way I felt when I was asleep under the tree. It was as if Aurelia had been there, watching over me. But it had to be my imagination. Aurelia was far away, dealing with her own problems. Still, the feeling lingered, and I couldn't shake it off.

The servant led me through the grand halls of the castle, their opulence in stark contrast to the desolation outside. "Princess Lydia, the king and queen await you in the dining hall," the servant said softly, bowing slightly as we approached the ornate doors.

I nodded, forcing a polite smile. "Thank you. I'll join them shortly."

Entering the dining hall, I was greeted by the king and queen, who rose from their seats with exaggerated enthusiasm.

"Ah, Princess Lydia," the king boomed, his voice echoing off the marble walls. "We are so pleased you could join us. Please, have a seat."