
"Life is just like a game, You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." - Albert Einstein

It's raining. The sound of water flickering off the window seal made its course into my eardrums as I dozed' of course, the instructor's lessons bore me. I was attracted to the breeze bellowing and rainfall spattering against the window. Why? I don't know, but it seduces me like a bee to flowers.



The premature speaking of my name alarmed me to the point of shock. I shrieked at the top of my lungs and jumped as high as a kite on a gusty Sunday afternoon. I had a transparent sight; the room had been meticulously arranged consecutively, with desks in straight lines facing a projector. Adjoining this was a cluttered table with heaps of paper and books. Pipes carrying steam ran across the room and around the edges of the desks like steel snakes, leading to the projector to power it; the pipes extended beyond the boundaries of this room and ran into other interconnected areas.

"Ryokai! I know that factions can be scary. Please keep it down so we can express our emotions as you do." He stated sarcastically.

"Yes, sir, I apologize, sir, it won't happen again."

"It better not."

The teacher continued his lesson, providing a chance to talk with Mizukio, something I still don't understand how this 'host' thing works. I started thinking.

"How do you communicate with me by the thought if it's not telepathy?"

"[I live inside of you, Ryokai. I am a soul that has laid dormant in you since birth and has awakened; we share a mind. Although independent, our thoughts are shared.]"

"I'm stupefied."

"[It's okay when specified children are born, a secondary soul in them by upper beings. That soul has extraordinary abilities but can only be heard by the child until prerequisites have passed. Most are the age at which you awakened me, some via vigorous changes. Nonetheless, very few people have one.]"

"So I was born with you and have powers, but only you can use them."


"Wait, does that mean you have been able to hear my thoughts the entire time, even though I can't hear yours?"

"[Yes, let me say; you have a very peculiar 'taste' in women Ryokai, particularly for one at the age you are.]"

"Yeah, okay, Ima stop you right there. How do I use the power?"

"[You can't, you summon me and I use the abilities, but doing so will drain your energy and can lead to death.]"

"That doesn't seem very great, but Dad always said everything does have a cost. What abilities do you have anyway?"

"[That's the humorous part; we won't know until you summon me. You know, for a boy, you seem quite mature!]"

"No, you just haven't seen me with my friends yet. One last question. Why was I selected to be a host?"

"[The process in which a host is chosen is unfamiliar to incarnates.]"


"[Incarnates is the common name for the secondary soul; in some conditions, Incarnation and carnation are terms as well.]"

"Then, for me to summon you, what do I do?"

"[I do not know, I am only aware of what knowledge is placed in me during my placement in you.]"

The sound of the bell reverberated throughout the room, signaling the end of our period. Thankfully, It was lunch, and I received authorization to leave campus for the time of the prior year. I can hear the muffled sound of footsteps approaching from the distance; it's presumably Silas, my friend and lunch companion.

"Hey Ryo, you doing okay; you have acted odd recently."

Silas was a short fellow for someone our age despite being fourteen, eleven months more senior; he was 5 '6 (167.6 centimeters). Only one inch taller than I. His hair is initially brown, greased, and cheap. At a glance, his hair has changed from dying moss-green; his hair is now short and entirely incoherent. It looked better when it occurred lengthy because it obscured his undeveloped, stiff face as his overbite latched his jaw. He wasn't bad-looking, merely not the finest, but his countenance was maturing at the rate of a baby. His garments were basic. He modeled a blue beanie with a green hood, black jeans, and brown eyes.

"Nah. I'm fine, just thinking about how you have no maidens."

"By the Nine, I hate you."

"Love you too. Are we going to the store today? I could use some Birch Beer."

"Yeah, that sounds good now- Achoo!"

"Allergies again, Ryo? You still have a few days till spring; I can't wait to watch you suffer like last year."

"Yeah, shut it. Let's go get us something to drink."

As I stood, I got a suitable vista of myself from the reflection of the looking glass. I had neglected that I dyed my hair blue the prior week with Silas; it complimented my lengthy undercut that was still brown and my Hazel-green eyes. I was wearing a grey hoodie with an overly extensive jacket over it, and I wore blue jeans. Nonetheless, unlike him, I have a more reasonable face.

"Ryo, Hurry up!"

"yeah, yeah."

I heard a clamor, a thought, but it wasn't mine. It was gentle and appealing. Although I'm mindful of Mizukio; however, it's still freaky. My heart started racing out of fear simply because I was not yet used to someone in my head.


"Yes, Mizukio."

"[Why are you so rude to Silas?]"

"He's my best friend; we're mean to each other because that's how we deliver our appreciation to each other, although I'll never speak like that to somebody else."

"[What's a best friend?]"

"If I had to say, It's the one somebody that can always be yourself around and will always be there for you."

"Ryo, hurry it up!"

"Zip it, dipstick."

"At least I can draw-"

"At least I have a father."

"Ouch, Ryo!" Silas responded

It took around ten minutes, but we arrived at the local general store. It was bleak, bottles ubiquitous and lined across shelves and cabinets, the floors creaked like a cricket chirp in the dead of night, not to mention the smell of rotting meat that lurks around every crevice.

"Silas! Ryo! I was just wondering when you two would show up. How are my favorite customers? HAHA!"

"Morning, Belethor! Just stopping in for some Birch Beer and Hard Boild Eggs."

"Yeah, what Ryosaid!" Silas shouted as he rushed to the back of the store.

"[Who is Belethor Ryokai?]"

"Belethor is a good friend of my father's. Silas and I call him Uncle Belethor because of how much he helps us."


Belethor is a cheerful man, glimpsed at life with delight, and was always up for a chuckle. He was unique; although he wasn't religious, he always carried a copy of the Primal Scripture. His clothes were old-fashioned; he modeled a cloth vest around a button-up shirt, black dress pants, and a fancy Victorian wide-brim hat. His complexion was wrinkly, with a sandy Hungarian mustache and a short blond beard.

"Well, just don't steal anything like how you stole my daughter's heart Ryo."

"Uncle Belethor, you don't have a daughter?"

"I do now HAHAHA. Ryo, my wife is with child, even after the docs said she could not bear." The smile on his face was giant, carried from ear to ear.

"Oh, good for you."

"Can you do me a favor, Ryo?"

"Yeah, sure."

"If something happens to me, look after my family for me, will ya?"

"Of course,"

I responded I didn't quite understand what he meant, but it twisted my stomach; it felt it ache like I ate spoiled meatloaf. His face kept a smile, but it felt fake like he had something to say yet couldn't find the words.

"Silas, have you found the stuff yet?" Ryo shouted across from the store.

"No, I'm still looking-"

The floor began to rumble and crack as the earth split open and formed a ravine straight through the store. Bottles and boxes fall off the shelves as the store crumbles and dilapidates, and he falls. Ryo fell through the floor into the newly formed ravine. His heart pounded; just a second ago, he was standing in the store with Belehtor and talking to Silas, but now he was falling into the earth at an incredible speed. As he panicked, he flailed. And he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Silas, Belethore!"

Tears began to rush down Ryokai's face; his heart raced like a horse on a race track, sweat mixed with tears and snot as he fell deep into the earth, enclosed by dirt, rocks, and a cluster of manufactured objects falling with him. But he heard a voice in the dark that soothed him, like a mother to a crying baby. It was soft and complex; a woman called out his name in the dark, and she said.


Suddenly, his body wrenched around and faced the internal chasms of the ravine; it was dim, and he could only see what was directly in front of him, but what was in front of him? Something he couldn't depict. Ryo was astounded. He was floating, not falling. The tears that ran down his face had ceased, and all was quiet until a figure reached her hand out to the boy.

"I'll re-introduce myself. My name is Mizukio; I am one of the nine divine incarnates."


Ryokai, Ejiero (protagonist)

Mixed blood from Turingbell

Has a fear of escalators and heights

Loves to Eat, laugh, & strategize

Born 22nd of Nebulous Age 13

5 '5 & 95p, or 165cm & 43kg

Light blue, medium-long undercut, with hair going over the sides & green eyes, wears his father's necklace. Wears a hoodie, with a large black jacket around it; blue jeans, and dark leather shoes.

Incarnate: Mizukio