
She was beautiful. She had lengthy silver and purple hair. Her eyes glistened like stars, and her attire was old-fashioned, something from the Victorian Era. It was Blue and purple, with white and grey highlights. She looked like the moon itself. Her round yet mature face stared me down as she spoke.

"I'll re-introduce myself. My name is Mizukio; I am one of the nine divine incarnates."

I stuttered when I spoke, perplexed at what the girl in my mind had become.

"You're prettier than I thought."

"Why, thank you; you're as I thought you would be, primarily because you think about your appearance a lot."

"Right, you're in my head. I need a favor."

"What is it, Ryo?"

"Get me out of this hole!"

He shouted. He could feel the air exit his lungs as his voice echoed throughout the ravine. What once used to be Belethore's store.

"Um, right, my apologies."

They lifted, slowly drifting back to the top, feeling like a bag of feathers in the wind; however, Ryokai was afraid of two things. One of them was hights.

Ryo shrieked out of fear, like a little girl. "What the hell is going on!"

"Do not fret, Ryo, this is my power."

"To make us fly because it's freaking me out!"

"No, the ability I possess is much more powerful. I am the force that binds those to this world. I am the incarnation of gravity itself, one of the divine. And now, yours to command."

"Yeah, well, could Miss Gravity pick up the pace?!"

"No, Just like you, I must be trained before I can use my power at its full potential, and you must train before you can use me at yours."


"Ryo, your incoherent nonsense will not make this go any faster; we're almost there so be quiet please."

As he squirms and shouts in terror, Ryo ends up hitting his head into Mizukio's chest which bears medium-sized knockers, with extra softness.

"Ryo, what are you doing?"

The only response he could give was a happy sound like a baby's squeal.


"Right well, we are here so if you could be so kind as to detach from me?"

"Umm yes, I am sorry..."

As Ryo stretches off of Mizukio and lands on the floor he can see the carnage of the earthquake. Buildings crumbled to the floor as paved roads turned to muddy paths. Worst of all the emptiness of a city that he once knew.

"It's gone, everything gone; the homes, people, and the color of the sky."

"This is life Ryo, sometimes you must say goodbye to things you once held dear, but this is not the end." Your journey has merely just begun. Let's go.

"Right, we must move forward, thank you Mizukio"

"Anytime." She responded.

As they fade into the distance, they can't help but wonder what the future may hold.


Mizukio of the 9

Chosen incarnation by Mizakia, God of the Moon

Likes: Unknown

Fears: Unknown

Height: 5 '7

Silver and Purple hair, bright greyish-purple eyes, eastern clothes with Victorian-era twist.

Gravity based powers

Incarnate to Ryokai Ejjiro


Meanwhile, in an interrogation room with grey walls and a metal table lies Silas, and on the other end is a red-haired woman. Her hair is dyed but it looks like the surface of the sun, in a spiked bun something you would see in an anime. She has darker eyes and an oblong face similar to Ryo. She wears heavy clothing too, a dark jacket over a T-shirt that says Black Light Training Facility. Blue jeans and brown boots, she was older looking too.

"The last thing I heard was Ryo shouting my name, as well as Belethor's before I fell into that hole. It was Dark and spooky, the fall didn't hurt me, but Ryo; he's probably dead. It's been 4 days since the earthquake and no one has seen him since."

"Hey, it's okay Silas just start from the beginning."

"We were walking to Belethor's store to get boiled eggs and Birch Beer for lunch; he greeted us with a giant smile."

"Who's Belethor? The woman said.

He was a good man, he was like an uncle to the three of us. Things were hard, Ryo had his dad but his mom died when he was 6, and he never knew any other family. As for me and my brother Soren, our parents got a divorce about 2 years ago, and Belethor helped us out a lot."

"Silas, you mentioned you had a brother?"

"Yeah, Soren. He's a year younger, almost 2. He's stronger than me though, bulkier, stronger face but we have the same chin, nose, and forehead."

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know, hopefully, he survived so I can see him soon".

"Back to the story Silas."


The ravine was dark and musty. Loose dirt and mud filled in the cracks, and Silas was stuck in the mud. He shouted.

"Hello, Anyone there? I need Help, I'm stuck! I think my legs are broken, Help!

He shouted again

"Hello, Anyone!"

Yet no matter how hard he cried for help no one came. So he did what any normal 14-year-old would do. Play in the mud.

"If no one is here yet, then I need to entertain myself"

Silas gathered up the wet dirt around him and made figures out of it. One of them was short and stubby, and another was just a blob, but after hours, he finally made something worthwhile from the practice. A doll of mud.

" Eh, That looks a lot better than I started with"


Then suddenly, he crashed asleep.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it was when you woke up that you found the string, correct Silas."

"Yeah, I noticed it coming out of my hands and connecting to the doll, it was like spider silk but not stringy.

"Please, continue" the woman stated.

The sound of a helicopter woke Silas from his slumber, it was noisy but just passed over, likely a rescue team that missed him.

"Hey, hey!" He shouted but no one heard him.

"Damn it!"

At the corner of his eye a glimmer.

"What's this, string, ew it's on me!

"He violently shook its hands but it made the doll dance, it made it dance like a performer on stage.

"I know I'm interrupting again, but that was when you got the idea to use the doll to call for help, by having it move up the ravine and signal help?"

"Yes, then after, soldiers that have the same name on their armor that's on your shirt came and pulled me out of the ravine. And that's the end of the story."

"The Black Light program was formed by multiple countries who wanted to use the powers of special people to help others. Everyone has the power but few can use it. You are one of the people who can, I want to invite you to train at the Black-Light training facility to help those who can't help themselves, and it seems you can use your Kizu to create strings that can control objects. We could use someone like you in the program."

It was then When Silas said what exactly was on his mind to another person.

"I accept."



Likes games and doing nothing

Afraid of life-like and porcelain dolls

5' 6 or 167 cenimeters and 97lbs or

43.9 kilograms

Born the 13th of pious age 14

Short dark green hair, green beenie dark eyes, blue jeans, and colord hoodie.

Uses Kizu to create string that can latch onto and control things

Soren Kenyens Brother, and Best friend to Ryokai Ejiero