
Savannah watched Isabelle's stern face, her eyes narrowing in concern as her younger sister sat down heavily on the couch. The soft light of the living room illuminated the sleek, modern furnishings of their high-rise apartment, casting long shadows across the glossy hardwood floors. The muted hum of the TV news in the background was a distant murmur, as Savannah's attention was fully focused on Izzy.

"I need a favor Savvy"

"Can I ask what this urgent favor is?" Savannah said, her voice quiet but steady. She knew that Isabelle was the type to get into trouble, as this wouldn't be the first, but this was something different. There was a hint of desperation in her sister's expression that made Savannah's heart ache. One she rarely saw in her siblings.

Isabelle hesitated for a moment, her gaze flicking to the TV screen before returning to Savannah. "I need to stay here tonight," she said, her voice low and urgent. "Please, Savannah, I don't have anywhere else to go."

Savannah felt a flicker of fear in her chest, wondering what could have happened to make Isabelle so desperate. She didn't ask, though. She already had an idea of what might have transpired. However she trusted her sister enough to know that if she needed help, she would tell her in her own time.

"Of course you can stay here," Savannah said, her voice softening. "You know that, Izzy. But are you sure it's safe for you to be here?"

Isabelle nodded, her eyes flicking around the room as though she was checking for something. "I know it's a risk," she said. "But I don't have any other options. You know how it is. Besides, should I leave now, I wouldn't get far. Courtesy of the wounds."

Savannah nodded, understanding. She didn't pry further, but the thought of Isabelle being in danger made her uneasy. She watched as her sister settled onto the couch, her face a mix of fear and exhaustion.

As Savannah moved to sit beside her, Isabelle spoke again. "There's something else you should know," she said, her voice low. "I did something...something bad."

Savannah's heart skipped a beat. She knew that Isabelle was capable of making mistakes, but this sounded different. "What did you do?" she asked, her voice a whisper.

Isabelle hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting around the room. Finally, she spoke. "I killed a politician," she said, her voice barely audible.

Savannah felt almost a bit happy. Not that her sister was a murderer, but for the fact that her prediction was right, and she knew which sibling exactly. "Why?" She asked, almost satisfied.

Isabelle didn't meet her gaze. "It's...complicated," she said. "But I needed to do it."

Savannah didn't press further. She knew that sometimes, people did things that they regretted, and she didn't want to judge her sister without knowing the full story. "Okay," she said, her voice gentle. "I won't ask any more questions. But you need to be careful, Izzy. The police will be looking for you. Thugs too."

Isabelle nodded, her face tense. "I know," she said. "But I need your help to stay safe tonight. I can't do this on my own."

Savannah hesitated for a moment, wondering if she was making a mistake. But she knew that Isabelle was her sister, and she couldn't turn her away when she was in need. "You can stay here," she said, her voice firm. "But we need to be careful."

Isabelle nodded, relief washing over her features. "Thank you, Savannah," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The two sisters sat in silence for a few moments, the TV news murmuring softly in the background. Finally Savannah broke the silence.

"Coffee? I brewed this morning. Forgot mine outside. Do you have any need of it?"

"Oh, yeah. thanks" Isabelle responded

"Alright. I'll be right back"

Savannah gets up from her couch and heads into the kitchen. The faint sound of the television set fills the silence. She returns with a cup of steaming hot coffee for Isabelle. As she hands it to her, Isabelle's face lights up with joy. She takes a sip and savors the warmth, the familiar aroma of roasted beans filling her senses.

"Thanks, Savvy," Isabelle says with a smile.

Savannah nods, a small smile on her face. "No problem," she replies. "I'm going to wash up. If anyone knocks, don't open the door, okay?"

Isabelle nods, her expression serious. "I won't," she says. "Trust me".

Savannah gives her a reassuring smile and heads to the bathroom. She takes her time, washing her face and brushing her teeth. As she finishes up, she hears Isabelle call out to her.

"Savvy, your phone's ringing. It's Cassie."

Savannah sighs, knowing why Cassie would be calling her. They had planned to go shopping for clothes and other ornaments amas they make preparations for The Gathering. Cassie had made sure Sav promised to take her with. She heads back to the living room and takes the phone from Isabelle. She looks at the caller ID, confirming it's Cassie, and answers the call.

"Hey, Cassie," she says, her voice calm.

"Savannah, you do know it's today right? Let me remind you in case you've forgotten. Cloth shopping?" Cassie asks, the concern evident in her voice.

Savannah takes a deep breath. "Yeah, I remember. The stores open at 9am. It's still seven." she says.

"Oh, thank goodness, your thoughts still bear fruit" Cassie replies, relief clear in her voice. "I've been doing a bit of net surfing on what makes me look surreal and I have an idea or two. I'll be coming over soon. Better be ready when I get there."

"I understand," Savannah says, nodding. "I'll make sure to do so, Mom."

"Thank you, Savannah. I owe you one," Cassie says, ignorant of the sarcasm being displayed.

Savannah ends the call and turns to Isabelle, who's still watching the news, absent-mindedly. "You comfortable in those clothes?" she asks, gesturing to Isabelle's torn, blood-stained gown.

Isabelle looks down at herself and grimaces. "Yes...."

"Well No, not really," she admits.

"Want to borrow something from my wardrobe?" Savannah offers.

Isabelle nods gratefully, and Savannah heads back into the bedroom. She rummages through her closet, looking for something Isabelle could wear. She finds a simple black dress, elegant yet understated. It would look perfect on Isabelle. She knew anything looked sexy on her sister, therefore she brought a casual, hoping she might look responsible for once.

She hands it to her, and Isabelle limps her way into the bedroom to check it out . Savannah takes a seat on the couch, her mind wandering. She couldn't believe Isabelle had killed someone, even if it was a politician. The news reports had been all over it, speculating about the motive behind the killing. Savannah knew better than to believe everything she heard on the news. She knew Isabelle well enough to know she wouldn't have done it without a good reason. No, she wouldn't have done it without reason. Good or bad.

Isabelle emerges from the bathroom, looking absolutely stunning in the black dress, her figure is prominent and for some reason, Savannah is discouraged to try looking better than her sister. Savannah can't help but smile at her. "You look beautiful," she says.

Isabelle smiles back. "Thanks, Savvy," she says. "I feel better already."

Savannah nods, glad she could help. She notices Isabelle's phone on the coffee table and picks it up. "You want me to charge this for you?" she asks.

Isabelle nods, and Savannah plugs the phone into the charger. She sits back down on the couch and looks at Isabelle. "You want to talk about it? Why you did it?" she asks, trying to get an answer this time

Isabelle shakes her head. "Not really," she says. "I just want to forget about it."

Savannah nods, understanding. "I get it," she says. "But you know you can always talk to me." She said, persistently.

"Yeah, I know I can. Just not on this, not now."

Isabelle replied, decisively.

"Alright." Savannah gets up from the couch and begins heading towards her bedroom.

"Oh, and Cassie is coming soon. After that we plan on going out."

"Where to?"

"The fashion store. The Gathering is coming up soon. The best I can do is look presentable in the faces of our rude siblings." Savannah said, smiling at Isabelle, who wasn't buying it.

"I see. Well it's your choice. May I come with?"

"Izzy, you know I can't do that. besides, you're literally a wanted fugitive. The best you can do is lay low for now. Don't you think so too?"

"I know but--"

"No Buts." Savannah says, cutting Isabelle short. "You're staying. We won't be long. I promise. I'd make sure to lock up after I leave. Should I get anything for you while I'm there?"

"No, nothing at all. Just a travelling bag and a few clothes. We're both Well above six feet so use yourself as a measurement for what suits me." Isabelle said, looking disappointed.

"Alright. I'll do so. I'll get dressed now". Savannah says, as she enters her bedroom.