Family Or Friend?

Savannah went back to her bedroom and rummaged through her closet, trying to find something suitable to wear for her shopping trip with Cassie. She was distracted by her own thoughts, still reeling from the events of the previous night. It was then that she heard a knock on the door, and her heart skipped a beat. She knew that it was only a matter of time before the police came for Isabelle, who was still on the run. Savannah quickly slipped on a hoodie and joggers, then made her way to the living room where Isabelle was sitting on the couch.

"Isabelle, you have to hide," Savannah whispered urgently, "It's the police."

Isabelle, understanding the situation, immediately got up and began to limp towards the bathroom. Savannah turned towards the door and hesitated for a moment before asking, "Who is it?"

A familiar voice answered from behind the door, a deep and masculine voice that demanded she open up. Savannah recognized the voice immediately and felt a wave of relief wash over her. It was Juan, her colleague at the bar where she worked.

She slowly opened the door and Juan stormed into her apartment, his eyes scanning the messy living room with disgust. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, and drugs were spilled everywhere. Juan was clearly furious.

"Why weren't you at the bar tonight?" Juan asked, his voice full of anger.

Savannah immediately snapped out of her daze, realizing that she was meant to be at work but had been preoccupied with mourning Jefferson and entertaining Ethan. She quickly apologized for the inconvenience and explained what had happened the night before, stating only her meeting with Ethan and withdrawing Jefferson's death. Juan's expression softened slightly, but he still looked frustrated. Juan might look aggressive, but deep down has a kind heart, which Savannah never misses a chance to misuse.

"Why did you do it, Savannah?" Juan asked, "You know how important your job is to you."

Savannah had no answer to give. She simply shrugged and said, "I don't know."

Juan shook his head in disbelief, saying

"You do realize this is the last time. Any more of this and I'll lay complaint to the board."

"I understand. Thanks. I promise this wouldn't happen again."

As they stood in the living room, Juan was about making the main reason why he came there known, until Isabelle slowly made her way into the room, holding a gun at Juan. Savannah's heart skipped a beat as she realized that Isabelle had been hiding in the bathroom the entire time, as she swore she saw her enter the bedroom. She had no idea what Isabelle was planning, but she knew that things were about to get very dangerous.

"What the hell is going on here?" Juan demanded, his eyes fixed on the gun in Isabelle's hand.

Isabelle didn't answer. Instead, she took a step closer to Juan, the gun still trained on him. Savannah could feel the tension in the air, and her heart was pounding in her chest.

"Isabelle, put the gun down," Savannah pleaded, trying to defuse the situation.

Isabelle didn't budge. She simply stood there, her eyes fixed on Juan, who looked like he was about to bolt for the door. Savannah knew that things were about to get ugly, and she had no idea what to do.

"Isabelle, please," Savannah begged, "Don't do this."

But Isabelle didn't listen. She took another step closer to Juan, and he took a step back. Savannah could see the fear in his eyes, and she knew that things were about to get very dangerous. She had to act fast.

"Isabelle, stop!" Savannah shouted, trying to draw her attention away from Juan.

Isabelle turned towards Savannah, her eyes blazing with anger. "Killing him now won't cause a stir. He's only fodder. Besides, he has seen my face, he shouldn't live!"

"That's not the way to go around put the fucking gun down!" Savannah said, her time rising a little bit.

The tension in the room was thick, palpable, as Isabelle lowered her gun and Juan fell to his knees, scared shitless. This was the first in quite a long time anyone's held a gun to his face. Savannah looked relieved that the threat of having a potential dead body had been lifted, but now there was a new variable to consider. A knock on the door. Not waiting to be invited in, the door was opened. The person behind the door was revealed to be a woman, and as she stepped into the room, the first thing that struck Savannah was how beautiful she was. The woman had dirty blonde hair that cascaded in curly waves down to her shoulders, covering one eye while the other was visible, a striking blue that seemed to pierce through the dimly lit room. She wore a white baggy jean that hugged her hips and a baggy T-shirt that obscured her figure. But despite the casual attire, there was a certain elegance about her, a poise that suggested she was accustomed to a more refined lifestyle.

Savannah was the first to break the silence, running towards the woman and enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Cassie, you're finally here!" she exclaimed, relief evident in her voice. "I was starting to worry."

Cassie returned the embrace with equal fervor, laughing lightly. "I'm sorry, I got caught up with something. Real important" She looked around the room, taking in the mess of clothes and drugs scattered on the floor. "What happened here?" she asked, a frown creasing her forehead.

Savannah shook her head, her expression apologetic. "Things got a bit out of hand. I had to take care of certain urges turned friends"

Cassie nodded, understanding in her eyes. "I see. Well, let's get out of here and do some shopping. You could use a break, and I could use a new set of clothes, Especially for what seems to be coming soon" She turned to Isabelle and Juan, who had stood up by now. "And you two, I suggest you leave. I don't want any trouble."

Juan was still shaken from the ordeal, but he managed to nod and head towards the door, casting a wary glance at Isabelle. She seemed to be lost in thought, her gaze fixated on the floor.

As Juan left, Cassie turned to Isabelle. "Are you coming with us?"

Isabelle looked up, her expression guarded. "I don't think I should be seen in public. The police are after me. Besides, we all know this apartment needs thorough retouch. The least I can do for my sister."

"Are we all going to ignore the fact that you just casually said the police are up your behind? What for? Drugs?" Cassie asked inquisitively.

Isabelle was about answering until Savannah stood up for her. "The offense is heavy. Quite heavier than what you expect. It runs in the family. You know how it is."

Cassie nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I understand. But if you ever need anything, just let me know." She said, turning to Isabelle.

Isabelle nodded in response, and Cassie turned to Savannah. "Let's go, then."

As they left the apartment, Cassie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She had always known Savannah to be a bit of a wild card, and had seen her in worse states, but this was different. The drugs, the mess, and now the gun - it was all too much. She knew she had to do something to help her friend, but she wasn't sure what.

As they walked down the street, Cassie kept a watchful eye on Savannah, trying to gauge her mood. "So, what's been going on with you?" she asked, hoping to start a conversation.

Savannah sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I don't know, Cassie. I feel like I'm just going through the motions. My Family and their troubles, Now Isabelle arrives at my front door with yet another Problem. I mean, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Ethan is another problem though. Fuck him. Ever since Jefferson died, everything's been a blur."

Cassie nodded, understanding in her eyes. "I know it's been tough. But you can't keep living like this, Savannah. You need to take control of your life, again."

Savannah looked at her, her expression uncertain. "I don't know how. Well, I do but it's hard. It gets harder with each century we live. It's almost as if their grip over me strengthens with time. Hell, I don't even struggle anymore. I hope I do stand for my opinions one day."

Cassie smiled reassuringly. "That's what I'm here for. I'll make sure to help. For now, we better deal with your upcoming drug addictions. We'll start with some retail therapy and then we'll figure it out together."

"Okay I understand. Thanks for always being there."

"What are friends for?".