Plans And Unexpected Emotions

The air inside the room was heavy with tension as Seth pulled out a sniper rifle from his second bag. The M24 sniper rifle gleamed in the dim light of the room, and Ethan's smile widened at the sight of it. He turned to Savannah and asked, "Do you know who this is for?"

Savannah's eyes widened as she realized that the rifle was meant for her. "For me?" she asked, surprised.

Seth nodded. "Yes, for you. You're the best shot among us. It would have been a better choice bringing Susan, but she's on the other side of the world, literally. We need you to cover us from a distance. My life's in your hands"

Savannah nodded, taking the rifle from Seth. "I won't let you down."

Seth then suggested that Savannah should go to her bedroom, where she would find a black shirt and trousers, as well as boots for the journey. "It's meant to help with flexibility Better than standing naked on top of a roof." Savannah rolled her eyes at the suggestion but headed towards her room nonetheless.

As she left, Isabelle spoke up, "I want to go too. I can help."

Seth turned to her, "No, you need to stay here and heal up. You're attending the Gathering with us, and we need you to be in top shape. The you right now would just be a liability for us. Hence, you need rest."

Ethan then asked if Camille would come along. Seth shook his head, "No, she should stay here with Cassie and Izzy as a form of defense. She's the perfect one for the job right now. Gosh, we are short-staffed."

Camille disagreed with the plan, "But I don't want to stay here. Someone should watch your back if things go south."

Seth reminded her, "That's what Savannah is for." His expression changed, as if irritated by the numerous questions received.

Cassie, who had been standing there, trying to absorb everything that had just happened, finally spoke up, "Can I use the bathroom?"

No one paid her any attention, too busy laying out plans for the upcoming battle. Cassie excused herself, went into the bathroom, and locked the door behind her. She leaned against the door, trying to catch her breath. She couldn't believe what was happening. She had always known Savannah's siblings were different, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined

Inside the bathroom, Cassie felt her stomach churn, and she quickly bent over the toilet, puking into it while holding the toilet seat. She wasn't sure what was happening to her. Was it the instant noodles she ate, or was it the fact that she couldn't stand the scenario at the moment? She didn't want to know and flushed the toilet before standing up.

She walked over to the sink and began washing her hands. She looked up and saw Ethan appear at her back, causing her to jump in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Beats me. I need something you have. It may save my life in this coming run."

Cassie, tensed up more than ever, finally let out a tone "What's that?"

Ethan smiled sheepishly, "I needed to use the aspirin behind the mirror."

Reaching towards the aspirin, he drew close to Cassie. She felt her cheeks heat up, and her heart began to race. Ethan was so close, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. As Ethan reached for the aspirin, he moved closer to Cassie. She could feel his breath on her lips, and her fear turned into a feeling of longing.

She wanted Ethan at that moment, and she couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way. After taking the aspirin, Ethan immediately left the bathroom, leaving Cassie standing there, wondering what had just happened.

The atmosphere in the room had changed when Cassie came back from the bathroom. Seth was giving final instructions, and everyone was gearing up for battle.

Savannah emerged from her room wearing the black sleeves and trousers, her boots laced up tightly. Isabelle sat on the bed, watching her sister and looking envious.

"I wish I could go too," she said.

Seth walked over to her, "You will have your chance, Izzy. We will all have our chance to fight."

Ethan was checking his gear, and Camille stood next to him, a determined expression on her face. Cassie watched them all, feeling left out and alone.

Savannah noticed her Friends' loneliness and asked "Hey, are you okay? Look, if you don't feel safe around use for now, you can leave."

"No it's not you. You're not the problem." Cassie replied, rather shaking

"I see. What's wrong then? Care to tell?"

"Um.... nothing." Cassie said, her glance shifting from Ethan to Savannah. It was at this moment she noticed her Friends' costume. " Wow. Nice wear Sav. Did you buy this along with a few others when we went to the fashion store? I haven't seen this here before."

Cassie said, trying to shift the tension.

"Oh, no. I didn't. It was given to me by Seth. He left it on my bed in the living room. Pretty cool right?" After this, her voice shifted into a whisper " Don't tell him I said that. They have a way of messing with you."

Although Cassie wanted to make it known she was cool with what was about to happen, her facial expressions said otherwise and it was showing. Savannah, Camille, Isabelle, Ethan and Seth all took notice of this but said nothing to her, as they waited for Savannah to comfort her the best she can. Cassie had just been told all her best friend's been telling her is true. She didn't want it to be. Although she wanted to make things better due to the ruckus she caused earlier, she couldn't shake off the fact that there were guns on the floor of the living room of Savannah's apartment and they were all prepared to kill, without being threatened first, or so she thought.

Savannah noticed this, and asked her yet again if she was okay, of which she said yes, she was. Seth told them all about the plan, and he made it simple. He brought out a blueprint of the entire building they were about to ambush, dropped it on the floor for all to see, and started laying out orders.

"Okay, listen up. We have a lot of ground to cover here, and we need to be quick about it. Isabelle, Camille, and Cassie, you're going to stay here and hold down the fort. Ethan, you're going to take the main entrance and make a scene. When they come out, ask them to surrender. If they don't, you know what to do."

When asked how he'll do this by Isabelle, Ethan said it's pretty simple. "Ask them to surrender." He said, with a smile on his face.

Cassie, who was still looking asked if he would be okay, judging that these people they were about to face were armed and dangerous.

"I'll be fine, Cassie," Ethan said, finally noticing her emotions. "I've done this for as long as I can remember."

She looked at him, smiling at her. She felt a bit tensed up looking at Ethan because he was too handsome. So handsome she had to remove her glance from him before she got herself. Savannah noticed this and rolled her eyes.

Seth continued with the plan, suggesting that Savannah stays at least 8 city blocks away from the place they wish to attack. She asked what would happen to Seth as she did this, and he said she shouldn't worry.

"Don't worry about me, Savannah. I've got this," Seth said, patting her on the back. "Isabelle, Camille, Cassie, you're going to stay here and keep watch. If anyone comes knocking, don't answer the door. If they try to force their way in, defend yourselves."

Camille looked at Seth, her eyes wide with fear. Seth noticed this and smiled at her, trying to put her at ease."Be careful okay?"

"Don't worry, Camille. I'll be back before you know it," he said, ruffling her hair. "Just make sure you keep an eye on these two," he said, pointing at Isabelle and Cassie.

Isabelle, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, finally spoke up.

"What about me? What happens after this?"

Seth turned to her, his face serious.

"Nothing. Hopefully, the situation isn't as bad as it's being made out to be, if not so, you'd have a lot to discuss with Olivia."

Isabelle nodded, her face set in determination.

"I see. Well, whatever the punishment, I am readily prepared."

"Alright. I'll be heading into the bathroom now" Seth said "I can't wear these to battle. Makes me look ridiculous." He said, point at the leather jacket, white best and jeans he had on, as he left the living room.

Savannah hugged Isabelle, her eyes full of tears.

"Please be careful, Isabelle. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

Isabelle hugged her back, trying to hide her own tears.

"I'll be fine, Savannah. You know me. I'm a survivor. We all are. Stay safe out there, okay?'

"I will." Savannah said, amidst tears.

"What about you Ethan? Don't you plan on changing into something comfy?" Cassie suggested, looking lustfully at him.

"Oh, no. I am quite good, thanks for asking. It's better to be dressed as a gentleman for combat than an assassin. That way, they'd never see you coming." He said, smiling at her.

Cassie wasn't sure how to feel about Ethan. She was falling head over heels for him and this she knew quite well, but she also recalled that he was also Jefferson's killer. "He killed someone. He's a killer. What are you doing Cassidy?" Cassie's thoughts fought over each other, as light faded to black.