And So, It Begins!

Cassie stood at the entrance of Savannah's apartment, her eyes fixed on the tall, imposing figure of Seth as he emerged from the shadows. He was a man who seemed to exude an aura of power and danger, and Cassie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she looked at him. Ethan may have been handsome, but Seth was something else entirely. A handsomeness that could easily be mistaken for unmatched beauty. He was a force to be reckoned with, and Cassie could tell that he was not a man to be trifled with.

As Savannah walked towards the couch where Camille and Isabelle sat, Cassie followed closely behind, her eyes never leaving Seth. She could sense the tension in the air, the unspoken words that hung heavy between them She saw him a few times at work but it never really dawned on her what a person he was without the suit. Savannah was still in disbelief, trying to come to terms with the fact that her siblings had appeared out of nowhere. But Cassie knew that there was more to it than that. There was something else going on, something that Savannah wasn't aware of yet.

"Are you okay?" Savannah squatted and asked Izzy, who was sulking in the couch.

"Yeah. Yes I am." Izzy replied, finally looking at Savannah.

As Isabelle assured Savannah that she was okay, Cassie could see the sense of calm that washed over her friend. But it was short-lived. Savannah stood up, her eyes fixed on Seth, demanding that he tell her what he really came for. She wasn't going to take a half-assed answer, not from him, not from anyone.

Savannah knew her siblings all too well. They never came to her unless Olivia, their eldest sister, demanded they did or if they needed her help. They never really looked up to her for help or anything else, only when they ran out of options. Her siblings knew this, but they tried to hide it, hoping that Cassie, Savannah's best friend, would have a different first impression of them.

Seth looked at her, his expression stern and serious. He seemed to be weighing his words carefully, as if trying to decide how much to reveal. Finally, he spoke. "I've been sent here for a different purpose," he said, his voice low and steady. "Unlike Ethan."

Savannah's eyes narrowed, her lips pressed into a thin line. "What do you mean, a different purpose?"

Seth looked at Isabelle, who was now sulking in her seat. "Olivia sent me to clean up Izzy's mess," he said, his tone grave.

Savannah's eyes widened, and Cassie could see the shock and horror on her friend's face. She knew that something was seriously wrong. "What mess?" Savannah demanded, with a straight face, almost as if she didn't know anything.

Isabelle looked up, her eyes filled with shame. "The politician I killed. He was quite important.," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I....I didn't want to do it. He wanted to make do with me. I just couldn't sit and watch."

Savannah's face was a mask of fury. Cassie could see the anger boiling inside of her friend, could feel the tension in the air. "My God. I was trying to cover up for you and now this." she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Why now Izzy. You're used to this shit. Why retaliate now?" Savannah said, with a certain look of irritation on her face. She knew her sister had been deep into this in the past, sleeping with men, and women. She needed find out why her sister's dignity weighed more than her sense of lust this time.

Isabelle hung her head, her eyes fixed on the ground. "He said something about Papa's portrait-"

"The one I told you about the day before Savvy." Ethan interrupted, his arms wide open as a clown that had finished his masterpiece.

Isabelle continued "I got so annoyed that I let instinct take over." she said, her voice barely audible. "I was confident at first, but when the number of men sent to kill me became unbearable, I became scared I didn't know who to turn to."

Savannah's expression softened, and Cassie could see the conflict in her friend's eyes. She wanted to be angry, wanted to scream at Isabelle for what she had done. But she also knew that her sister was hurting, that she was in pain. And deep down, she knew that she needed to help her, no matter what.

Isabelle was the last borne of their kin. She was always their Papa's favorite. She loved her father more than she did her own mother, and siblings. The love wasn't one-sided, as her Papa loved her as well. One might even say the love was one -sided on her papa's part, as he loved her unconditionally.

"Okay," Savannah said, her voice low and measured. "Okay, we'll figure this out. We'll...we'll make this right" After this, her voice turned into a whisper, as she turned to Seth, who was lost in thought "We will though, right?"

Seth looked at her, his eyes cold and calculating. "It won't be easy," he said. "We're in deep, Savannah. Really deep. I'll do the best I can. Even I am human."

Savannah nodded, her eyes fixed on Seth. "I know," she said. "I have no choice then."

As much as her hatred for her family had grown over the years, she still had a sense of loyalty towards them.

Ethan, who stood looking out the window, finally spoke up. "Family foremost,"

Cassie looked in shock with the entire room echoing as Izzy, Camille, Seth and even her bestie, Savannah all said in unison."Come What May."

The tension in the room was palpable, like a storm brewing on the horizon, ready to unleash its fury upon the unsuspecting. Cassie could feel the unease radiating from everyone in the room, like a living, breathing entity. She couldn't quite understand what had just happened, but she knew that something monumental had occurred.

Even her best friend, Savannah, seemed to be in on whatever had just transpired, and Cassie couldn't help but feel left out. She tapped Savannah on the shoulder, trying to get her attention. "Hey, what the hell was that all about?" she whispered.

Savannah turned to her, a small smile on her lips. "It's just like a motto or something," she replied, her voice low.

Cassie frowned, feeling even more confused than before. "What do you mean, a motto?"

Savannah shrugged. "It's hard to explain. It really is. I can't promise you what I'm not sure of, but with time, you'd understand."

Cassie still didn't understand, but before she could say anything else, Seth appeared in the living room, carrying two bags. One was large and bulky, the other long and slender.

Camille immediately rushed towards the larger bag, her eyes widening in excitement. Cassie couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as Camille opened the bag and pulled out a variety of weapons. As Camille unpacked the weapons, she examined each one carefully, checking the sights and the ammunition. She handled the guns with a precision that spoke of a deep familiarity with them, and Cassie found herself watching in awe.

Once she was satisfied with the weapons, Camille turned to the group. "Okay, everyone," she said, her voice low and steady. "We need to talk about Isabelle."

Cassie gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock. "Oh my god," she whispered.

Everyone in the room turned to look at her, their expressions unreadable. Savannah finally spoke up, trying to comfort her friend. "It's okay, Cassie. I told you about this before, remember?"

"I've never seen anything like this," Cassie said, her voice trembling. "I didn't know you guys were... were..."

"What?" Savannah asked, her tone becoming more serious.

"I didn't know you were involved in something like this," Cassie said, her words coming out in a rush. "I thought you were just really good at telling stories."

Savannah's expression hardened. "Is that what you thought of everything I told you? Is that what you think of me? An author of a book of fiction?" she asked, her voice low and dangerous.

Cassie felt a knot form in her stomach. "I... I didn't mean it like that," she stammered.

"Then how did you mean it?" Savannah demanded.

"I just... I didn't think it was real," Cassie said, feeling like a child who had been caught in a lie.

Savannah's eyes narrowed. "And why wouldn't it be real?" she asked. "Why do you think it's so impossible?"

Cassie felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. "I don't know," she admitted. "I just... I didn't think it was possible. You said you guys have had to live for centuries and still be alive. No one lives that long! Savannah in case you haven't noticed, those stuff you said sounded bizarre as fuck. It'd take an imaginative mind to even bare what you have been telling me all along."

Savannah's eyes were filled with the horrors that came from betrayal. She had never let anyone this close in a long time. Cassie was the first. It opened up old wounds in her heart but she didn't have time to think about it. There was a task at hand and she was prepared to deal with it the best she possibly can.

"I have no idea what to tell you. I'm shocked at what you're saying, but for some reason, I'm not holding it on you. I've always kept you away from the horrors of this part of my life for quite too long. I think you're ready to see it now."

"Am I?" Cassie said, filled with uncertainty and fear.

"Well, that way, you wouldn't think of me as a joke." Savannah's expression softened slightly. "I know it's hard to believe," she said. "But it's the truth. And it's something we have to deal with."

Cassie nodded, feeling a little better. She still didn't fully understand what was going on, but she trusted Savannah. She turned her attention back to Camille, who was handling the weapons with a practiced ease.

Savannah noticed Cassie staring and gave her a small smile, trying not to think too hard of what had just transpired. "Camille's been doing this for a long time," she explained. "She knows what she's doing."

Cassie nodded, still feeling overwhelmed. She couldn't believe that she was standing in a room filled with deadly weapons and people who had apparently been alive for centuries.

Savannah placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Cassie. I know this is a lot to take in. But just give it time. Hopefully you don't see me as a monster."

Cassie nodded again, grateful for her friend's reassurance. She knew that she had a lot to learn, and a long road ahead of her. But she was ready to face whatever came her way, as long as she had her friend by her side. "You're no monster Savvy. Not to me, or anyone else. You're you." Cassie said, with a smile on her face.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles ladies, but are we going to address the elephant in the room?" Ethan said, finally turning to face the crowd.

"Which is?" Savannah asked, rather harshly.

"Isabelle. She's injured. I don't suggest taking her for this run. She's a perfect killer when at her best but like this," Seth said, looking at Savannah with an unexpressive looking face.

"You're right. She stays. Cassie you too." Savannah said, her glance switching towards Cassie, who wasn't sure why her friend said that

"Why? after all this talks about getting me involved. you'd just push me aside once again?"

"You know it's not like that. These people we're about to meet" Savannah said, pointing out the window towards the streets below. " They are worse than Lucifer himself. They aren't demons, no. They are worse. They will do whatever it takes to make sure they get what they want. We can't let them have their way." Leaning in to hold Cassie's face, she continues. "I can't see you dying. Not ony watch. Please, just understand."

"Okay" Cassie said, staring into Savannah iris, colored Silver by Luna's rays.
