Rohan Has A Wife?

Antsy and anxious about what would happen, Thomas was waiting outside the hospital as he looked left and right to see if he would catch a glimpse of Reyona’s car.

“Oh, mom," he muttered to himself in exasperation when his ears perked up at the sound of an engine, only to see that the approaching car was nothing at all like any of their cars.

“Why would you tell her the address?” He had asked after he got back to the room where the doctors were administering fluids to Leah. He had just stepped out to ease himself in the restroom, and as he entered, he saw his mother getting off the phone. That was when she told him that she had just spoken to Reyona and that she might be here at any time.

“Because I thought that the two of you could have a serene atmosphere to at least talk. If she comes here, she wouldn’t want to argue with you in this kind of situation, you know. At least she could tell you the reason why she wanted to divorce you." Ruth said it heatedly.