
Reyona could not believe her eyes when she opened the door. She was annoyed because after she called the other person on the other end of the door to come in, nobody answered.

“Who is…” The annoyance on her face morphed into shock and excitement as she saw her sister standing on the threshold with a big, wide smile on her face.

“Ta-da! Who missed me?” Victoria Dexter, mostly called Toria, squealed with her hands wide open right before she grabbed her sister in a hard, enveloping.

“Euf, what have they been feeding you over there?”Reyona said with laughter as she breathed in the familiar aromatic, balsamic scents that sparked memories.

"Food. Of course, the Lone Star was especially known for its chicken fried steak, you know. Hmm, those darlings are to die for.” Toria said with a dreamy look on her face as he stepped back from Reyona’s embrace after a while.