Wave Of Animosity

Toria was standing like a gladiator close to Reyona’s bed.

The glare she gave Thomas was enough to flay the skin off the back of a man who knew what shame was.

Thomas merely looked away from her and focused on the woman on the bed.

His recently divorced wife.

At the moment, she was asleep.

He looked at the splints on her legs and looked away immediately, without so much as a feeling of compassion for her pain.

“Why the hell does she have to be asleep right now?” Thomas thought.

He had a feeling that these two might just change their minds and toss him out of his ears before she deemed it fit to wake the hell up.

Toria walked towards him and Thomas braced himself for whatever she might be bringing.

He had a role to play, after all, and the bastard breathing down his neck would be watching him like a hawk.