You Need Me

“How can this happen? How on earth can this happen?” Toria asked no one in particular as she paced to and fro.

She turned to Maxwell. “Eh? I thought you were to have a talk with him before you let him go anywhere near her.”

“Which I did,” Maxwell said simply in a calm tone.

Toria scoffed as she looked at him sitting there, all cool and collected. “How can you even sit there so calmly like that? He just accused you of something.”

“I would suggest you do the same,” Maxwell said, without raising his head from the phone in his hand.

“How can you even ask me to be calm right now? That is my sister locked in there with a psycho! I didn’t even touch him, you know?”

“I saw that. And they are not locked together. Andrea is with them. Whatever he wants to try will have to wait until Andrea leaves. He is not going to get the chance.”

“It seems to me like he already had plenty of chances to do enough damage. He accused you of being a wife snatcher.”