Back Me Up

Reyona woke up the next day without the headache that had been her constant companion.

Nor did she feel the panic of helplessness that had been accompanying her since she woke up.

Every time she slept and woke up, she had this feeling that was akin to a panic attack as she tried to figure out where she was and how she had gotten there.

Slowly, it would pass, but it was always there.

But the day after the lawyer came, she did not feel the helplessness of her loss of memory as acutely as she had been feeling it earlier.

Reyona felt a slight weight at her side and she smiled as she turned her head gingerly to that side.

Toria was sleeping as Toria slept.

One of her legs was on the side of the bed, while her head was close to Reyona’s stomach and her arms were spread out over the bed.

How she had managed to get into that position on the huge bed was beyond Reyona.

She was amazed that her sister had somehow steered clear of her injured legs, even in sleep.