Prepared For The Unexpected

They tried their best to stop her but Reyona was determined to go.

Realizing that her ploy to keep her from going didn’t work, Toria said, “Only on one condition.”

“What condition?” Reyona asked.

“I am coming with you,” Toria declared as if she were expecting a protest from Reyona.

Reyona smiled and said, “Yes, I have no problem with that.” Then, to butter her up, she said, “Who else will I go with if not my favourite sister?”

“I am your only sister!” Toria said while trying to suppress her smile. “And you are being impossible. You should stay in that bed!”

Maxwell also had his own condition to add. Or a request, as he called it.

Andrea had to do a check on her and give her the green light, that she could move about without endangering the recovery of her legs.

Reyona baulked at that since she knew he had the doctor in his pocket.

What if he told the doctor to tell her what would be in his favour?