Nosy Idiot

“Who does he think he is?”

Reyona hated anyone giving her an ultimatum.

Especially when that person was a nosy asshole she wanted nothing to do with, she was even more livid at the ridiculous situation she found herself in.

How dare he tell her what to do?

Though fuming, she had no choice but to lower herself to the covered seat of the toilet bowl.

Though she had not acknowledged it in her shock and anger, getting off her feet for that short time had come with such tremendous relief that she could almost weep at remembering it.

Just as it had been like pure hell when he set her back on her feet,

Though she preferred anything to be manhandled by that idiot, Reyona was beginning to think that she must have overexerted herself after all.

What was the point of all her recovery if she undid it with silly, impulsive actions?

As she massaged her splint-free legs, she thought, “I have to get the doctor to come check...”

“I assume you are done?”