Why I Love You

“That is awful. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Toria shrugged as Reyona set aside the file she was going through and turned to face her sister fully.

Toria straddled one of the chairs facing her sister and said “Because you have a lot going on too. Then I didn’t know that the bastard would go after her again. I thought we had gotten rid of him. At least, we were on it when…”

“... When you got called about my accident,” Reyona said compassionately with concern on her face.

Toria nodded and sighed again. “I just don’t know if I can leave you like that. Mum and Dad just left yesterday and now…”

“... Now you need to go do what you think is best. I am fine. You know I am better already. If not, my tyrant doctor and the chiropractor wouldn’t give me a clean bill” Reyona said with a roll of her eyes.

The worry on Toria’s facelifted as she grinned. “You mean you let them think they are the boss while you do what you want anyway,” she said, swinging her legs.