We've Got This

Reyona tossed her key to the hospital valet who offered to help her park her car in the right spot and rushed off towards the paediatric part of the general hospital.

She barely heard the man’s call, “Please, ask for your key at the front desk on your way out” before she got out of earshot.

She had no idea what she was going to meet, yet she was filled with dread as she remembered the little wave that girl had reluctantly given on her way to a place that had landed her in a hospital!

Reyona blamed herself for not giving in to the urge she had felt over the past weeks to check up on them.

Of course, she had reached out to the social centre against her wish and she even knew when they found a place for them with a ready couple who are verified foster parents.

All she had not done was speak directly to the kids.

If only she…

“Woah, woah. Easy there” a familiar voice said as she ran into him.