Worthy Of Celebration

“Unfortunately, we can’t get the Sanstons to take them back.”

“And what makes you think we would want them to go back to such people who obviously have no idea of what they were doing?” Reyona snapped before the woman could properly finish her statement.

The woman’s look and Maxwell's little touch on her arm made her remember the situation they were in. “Uhm, I mean, why don’t they want them back?”

“They said she is problematic. You see, these people have been working with us for a while now. They currently have two other boys with them and there has never been such a problem. They were already thinking of calling us before the accident happened.”

“So, you also believe the girl is to blame?” Reyona asked with a direct look at the woman.

The woman looked uncomfortable as she looked from Reyona to Maxwell as if she was expecting a backup. Then she looked back at Reyona when Maxwell said nothing.