She Is Not There

Maxwell’s fork clattered to the plate as frustrated anger built inside him.

“I think you should leave now, Celia,” he said very slowly, as he looked down at his plate.

“I am sorry for disappointing you, sir, but I am not going anywhere. Not until you tell me what is eating you up, of course.”

Maxwell gave her a forbidden look which she countered with a smile.

Then she raised her finger and said “You know what? I already know what is eating you up, but the question is, what are you going to do about it? Apparently, your plan of drowning away your problem did not seem to be working.”

“It was working just fine before you got here,” Maxwell said as he pushed the plate away from him.

“Keep lying to yourself,” Celia said. Then answer, “While you are at it, kindly answer my question.”

“What question?” Maxwell snapped, even though he remembered what she had asked.

What would she want? Apparently, she wanted nothing from him!

She wanted nothing to do with him!