Daredevil Journey

Reyona couldn’t remember the last time she had been this carefree.

As she approached the borders of Sydney, she wondered why she had never taken this much time to herself.

She had always been so careful about everything.

The old Reyona would never have dared what she had done in the past month.

She looked at herself in the car mirror and flicked back her red hair.

Who could have thought that she would have dared to go for such a bold colour?

She had never even tinted her hair before.

Not even in college where her coursemates had seemed to go through the hair colour craze at a point.

Yet here she was with a hair tint so artfully done that one could have mistaken her for a natural redhead.

She smiled as she looked at her fuller face and nodded her head in sync with Aria’s new song, “Here For You.”

As she stopped at the checkpoint and watched the border security do their thing, she thought of a popular saying that couldn’t be more than true for her at the moment.