He Is Back!

“You are so full of surprises these days, you know?” Toria said as she tossed the shrimp cracker into her mouth.

“What can I say? I aim to please.” Reyona answered with a shrug as she leaned back in the lounge chair.

They were in the garden oasis in the backyard of her Bellevue Hill home.

Kayooma still can’t get over the perfect blend of sophistication and luxury that the home offers.

Phil had outdone himself.

She removed her slippers and trailed her toes over the lush grass just outside the paved path of the oasis.

Of all the beauty of the interior of the house, the oasis had easily become her favourite place.

She loved the serenity of the lush greenery and the swirling fairy structures at the entrance of the oasis never failed to amuse and intrigue her.

She couldn’t get enough of the sound and fresh scents that came from the small babbling brook that cut through the backyard into the property of the neighbouring house as well.