Furious Battle

The female cultivator knelt down on one knee, her plump chest rising and falling with uneven rugged breaths. She was obviously internally injured, and could not last much longer. However, fiery determination burned in the depths of her soul, as well as the undying passion to kill the creature even if she were to die while she was at it. The mighty beast roared at the small human, and Lee Chun Hua let out a growl of her own, then suddenly remembering that there were humans around her, she turned to face where Seth stood rooted to the floor.

"Hey!, noodle boy!! Go and get every single person out of the city. This is not a battle that mundane people can survive!"

Seth was broken out of the pseudo trance by her voice, and quickly rushed to the front of the dojo.

"Everyone! We have to leave here!!"

The small Sectdom where he supposedly lived, was rather small by The Empire's standards, but still large enough for a good ninety percent of the population having absolutely no idea that there was a Demon Beast in their city. Naturally, no one believed him.

"What the hell is this kid yapping about?"

"I dunno, maybe he's gone crazy or something?"

Then the ground suddenly shuddered violently, as the ground split open.

Only then did the simple minded people begin to run.

"Uwaah! It's the end of the world!!"

"We are all going to die!!"

"Run, you bustards, run!!!"

As the hoard of panicking, terrified people dispersed in almost all directions, Seth stood transfixed watching as a human body crashed to the floor, bounced a few times on the stone slab roads from the impact, and then made a backflip and landed on her feet, skidding a few metres back in the process. If that was not badass, then Seth did not know what was.

"So cool!"

Lee Chun Hua wiped a thin streak of blood running down the side of her lips, then raised her finger at the beast and beckoned it towards her.

"Come at me, you powerful piece of trash, I will honor your worthless life by killing you with my own hands!"

Either the beast was offended by the daring sign she had made, or that it could understand words, the mighty beast let out a literal earth splitting roar, and dived towards the woman. No matter how bad he wanted to watch the fight, even more as her armour's chest piece went flying along with the torn remains of her top and leaving her bare from the waist up, Seth had to turn his back and run. And run he did. Luckily, he ran away the time he did, as not less than a second later the ground below his feet erupted into sharp earthen spikes and flew towards the battling duo.

Seth kept running, but all around him, the world descended into chaos.

Lightening bolts fell from the skies, as the very wind itself turned into invisible daggers. The ground split open, and immolating flames burst out of the ensuing abyss. Bloodcurdling screams came from here and there, as some unlucky people fell into the flaming holes, and some were cut to pieces by the wind daggers as they flew silently in the air towards the creature. The as emanating from the battling figures were enough to make the world go mad.

A massive explosion shook the world, as the ground split open unexpectedly in front of Seth, making him stumble as he fell into the hole and heavy rocks followed after, trapping him by the leg. He was trapped in the hole, though it wasn't so deep, but with the Demon Beast and the female cultivator duking it out, getting trapped in a hole was one of the worst possible possibilities that could happen to a person.

"Damn you, lady luck!"

As he struggled to shift the rocks that had come to rest on his legs, he caught a glimpse of the battle. The beast had been severely injured by the attack, though Chun Hua was not in good shape either.

She was missing an arm, her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were bloodshot. The remains of her armor was no better than pieces of scrap,with its broken shards digging into her flesh, as her pristine alabaster skin was covered in grime and blood. A lot of it was the black blood belonging to the creature, while a fair share was crimson red blood from her very own body.

However, she was still not going to yield. Her eyes began glowing in a bright gold color, as a golden aura took shape in the form of a silhouette around her hourglass figure. Her hair began floating by itself, and an enormous amount of pressure descended on the earth. This was the fourth stage of Qi manipulation! Her dantians. had absorbed enough natural Qi during the battle, and she had made a massive breakthrough and advanced by three whole stages. With an inhumane shriek, she channeled all her energy into her two legs, then dashed towards the mighty beast faster than a bullet could move. However, the beast could also sense that she was planning an enormous attack, and chose to attack first.

Hundreds of missiles made out of fire, ice, and lightening rained down on the small human figure, but somehow, she managed to dodge each and every one of them and emerge unscathed. The creature next shot forward a sonic roar, harnessing the sound energy, but the blast of hypersonic noise missed Chun Hua by a hairs breadth as she channeled the energy into the balls of her feet, and leapt a great height into the air, such that she and the beast were at the same eye level.

Seth held his breath as he forgot his condition and bit his nails in anticipation. Then he could literally see all of the golden aura move over into her left arm as she threw a massive earth splitting punch at the snout of the creature, while the creature threw it's powerful spiked tail at her. He held his breath and his heart skipped a beat, the pain of his broken legs, and the weight of the rocks on it became virtually inexistent, as he looked on with wide eyes. All around him, were the corpses of unlucky villagers who had perished due to the shockwaves coming from the battle.

The punch connected with the beast's tail with a deafening blow, then a violent shockwave resonated throughout the earth, as the world went dark. Heck, Seth could even feel himself lifted into the air from the sheer impact alone.