Ancient scroll

Seth shook his head as he managed to sit up. The impact of that blow was so powerful that his innards had almost been ruptured to pieces.

"W... Where the hell am I?"

All around him, different statues of Chinese type dragons, made out of gold for that matter, were standing round in a circle. At the very top, the head of a majestic dragon statue with dazzling beauty second to none other within the room hung down from the ceilings with a scroll in its jaws.

"Is that a dragon warrior scroll or something?... Is that my cheat?!!!"

Based on that panda movie he had watched some time back, the scroll was going to grant him unimaginable power!

'But it could also be blank though...' However, that was a risk that he was willing to take, after all, he had nothing to lose, did he?

Seth scanned the room, then limped over to the closest dragon statue. He had been injured from the battle that he did not even participate in and his condition was made worse when the impact of the last attack had flung him into this pagoda. 'Is it over?' He could not hear any fighting from the outside, so it was either the two battling figures had both met their end from each others' attack, the beast alone had died and she survived, or the girl that bought noodles and forgot to pay had perished while the beast was running amok. 'I really need to get her name sooner or later.'

Seth shook his hands to get rid of the sand particles and began climbing the nearest statue. He some how managed to reach the top of the statue, then look a high leap and caught hold of the dragon's beard like whiskers.

'Thank goodness I played around on the monkey bars in the park as a kid!'

If not for the unlikely remembrance of his short childhood, he would have been crashing almost forty feet to the ground. Come to think of it, how DID he get this high despite climbing with with a broken leg? As a matter of fact, how did one even climb with a broken leg to begin with?

Anyways, Seth wriggled up the whisker, and reached his hand out towards the red scroll.



"Almost there!!'

Soon his hand was almost grazing the surface cover of the alluring scroll. All he needed was just two more inches. He had to detach his feet from their wraps on the golden whisker, and make a short leap at the scroll in the dragon's jaw.

'Got it!"

Only then did he realize that he was hurling out towards the window of the towering building. "Shi..." Seth did jot even have the chance to complete his words, as his head slammed into the edge of the window, his body bumped against the lower roof, and his eyesight became blurred while he faded into oblivion.

Lee Chun Hua sighed in relief, as the beast finally crashed to the ground. Its body was filled with the marks of a ferocious battle, one of it's legs was savagely ripped off from the hip, and its two eyes were gorged out. This creature had such a high vitality, that replacing its regeneration abilities at the cost of making its body stronger almost overwhelmed an entire cohort of third tier cultivators. Heck, the Jingbei guy was even at the fourth tier. The appearance of such a powerful beast was not an ordinary occurrence, and it could only mean one thing.

"Great ancestor Lee is dead."

Lee Su Han was the founder of The Blazing Valor sect, where Chun Hua belonged. For two thousand seasons, he had meticulously served as the protector of the Eastern Sectdom and defeated harrowing abominations like these long before they could even get close to the cities, not to mention that his cultivation tier was at the peak stage of the immortal transcendent tier, very close to a breakthrough that would put him on the same level as the Immortal Sky King. The emergence of a beast this powerful would either mean that he was unaware, which was impossible as even she could feel magical energy from at least two kilometres away from the source, talk more of someone of Lee Su Han's calibre, or that her old ancestor... was dead.

The lady took a deep sigh, and began limping back towards her sect, where an angry Lee Xiaoping was fuming.

"Why in the world would she do something as foolish as that! Sending your allies away from the battle field isn't an act of benevolence, it is pure and unrestrained madness! A freaking suicide attempt!"

"Xiaoping dear..." Xin Jiaoxian bowed before her husband. "Chun Hua is a smart girl. I believe that she will come out of this unscat..." Then her eyes widened as they fell on the limping figure that opened the huge iron gates and limped towards them.

"Chun Hua?!!! Oh the heavens have betrayed us!"

Lee Chun Hua left the sect palace with shining armor worth more than a three thousand year old spiritual cultivation herb, and she returned with scrap metal that was even digging into her flesh. She had left with a bright reassuring smile, telling them that she would take care of it all, and now she returned with a broken leg and was missing an arm.



Seth slowly opened up his eyes in a dark alley. The last thing he remembered was falling from the top of a hundred storey pagoda.

"Am I dead?"

No human could survive falling from the top of a fifty foot building, could they? Not to mention that they were also unconscious and falling headlong while at it. He could breathe, at least, so that was a good sign.

"At least I survived. Thank goodness I have plot armor...I think?"

He was the transmigrator, after all.

Anyways, Seth had survived the fall, but that did not mean that the rest of him did. His arms and legs were sprawling messes of burst flesh and mangled bones. Honestly, it even made him want to puke just from looking at it. He could not even feel the pain, which was a very bad sign, by the way.

"My cheat..."

But there was a tiny little chance that this scroll was the key for him to grow powerful in this world. To be like the transmigrators in webnovels and conquer all.

"Or it could be blank..." Seth shook his head.

"It better not be blank."