Blazing Valor Sect, Is This The Best You Can Do? Your Assassin Is Really Lame.

''Goodnight then.." Lee Chun Hua blushed slightly as she turned around and left after showing him to the guest room.

"Uh, Goodnight, I guess ..."

If this were a hollywood movie, now would be the perfect time for him to lean forward and lock lips with her. They both stood in uncomfortable silence for a minute or two, before Seth suddenly shut the door, leaving a confused Lee Chun Hua in the dark passageway.

'Sleep well, Seth.'

She thought as he made her way to her room. Within the guest room, a guy sat on the bed staring out of the window.

Seth could not possibly sleep right now, how could he, when he had a hundred Qi shards to absorb?

'Thank you, Lee Chun Hua!'

If not for her just happening to pass by, he would have never managed to get this many shards with virtually no effort. He arranged all the Qi shards into a rather sizeable pile, and began to absorb them all one by one.


In an hour or two, he crashed down on the bed in exhaustion.

'I did it...'

By now, his system interface read:

[Name: Sethren Serpent]

[Level 0] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Mundane human]

[Stage: -----]

[Strength: 2]

[Agility: 1]

[Qi: 1000]

To his surprise, as the last Qi shard dissolved into thin air, a holographic screen appeared in front of his face.


[User has amassed enough Qi to level up]

[Do you wish to level up?]


However, this time nothing happened. Seth raised a brow and scratched the back of his head. 'Did I do it wrong?' Only then did he realize that it was a yes or no question as he sighed and nodded.



[User has chosen to level up]

[500 Qi points have been deducted and added to Qi reserve]

"What?!" Seth's eyes widened in shock as he read the second notification. How could the system take a whole five hundred points off his hard earned Qi stat. Unfortunately, he had already chosen to level up and could not cancel the process.

A soothing warm feeling washed over his entire being as he could feel something unlock within his.body. A gush of power followed next, along with another holographic screen.


[User has successfully levelled up]

[+10 Stat points in Strength, +10 stat points in Agility]

[Name: Sethren Serpentis]

[Level 1] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Body Awakening tier]

[Stage: 1]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Qi: 500]

[Enough Qi is left for an evolution.]

[Would you like to evolve?]

The bonus stats he got from only one level up alone was enough for him to instantly make a decision.

"Hell yeah!".

Strangely, nothing happened, making Seth sigh in frustration. It seemed like his system did not understand anything other than 'Yes', 'No', and 'Assign stat points'.



[User has chosen to evolve]

[200 Qi stat points deducted]

Once again, it stung a bit to see his precious Qi stat that he had spent hours absorbing shards for, being eaten up so quickly, but it was all for the best... right?

In a few seconds, another holographic screen appeared.


[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]

Seth stared at the figure in astonishment. No, it was more akin to disappointment.

"That's all?"

He had expected more bonus stats in his strength and agility, but all it did was to give him back half of the Qi points he spent.

"System Interface."


[Name: Sethren Serpent]

[Level 1] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Body Awakening tier]

[Stage: 2]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Qi: 400]

The only change was that the stage bar had added one extra stage.

"So an evolution makes my stage increase, while a level up makes my tier increase?"

As usual the silent system remained silent, making him sigh once again. "I guess I'd have to find out by myself."

By afternoon, it would be a full day since he got the system. That would mean he would get to test out his improved stats once the daily quest arrived. He tiredly lay down on the bed to sleep, then decided to take a bathroom break. Once he was done doing his thing, he silently slid opened the door to the guest room, only to see a pale man wielding a short dagger and slowly advancing towards the bed.

'A serial killer!'

For some reason, he had been on high alert ever since he ran into Chun Hua in the cave. Come to think of it, how was she 'just passing by' that deep into the cave? Anyways, he would ponder on that mystery later as he had this person to take care of.

'Poisonous Peril...'

He swiftly summoned the pair of black daggers created from the Qi shard of an ascended level beast and clutched their hilts tightly. He would not make the same mistake of screaming out and rushing towards the enemy thrice, and so he quietly made an aim and threw the black dagger with as much force as he could muster. The dagger flew silently through the air, and accurately landed on the mystery person's foot.

"Aargh!" The person screamed out in a mixture of shock, surprise, and agony. It had hit him precisely on his Achilles tendon and sliced his foot open with stunning accuracy.

Seth was not impressed with his dagger throwing skills as he sighed in disappointment.

'I was aiming for the heart though..'

Anyways, he did not let his far less than stellar aim lower his spirits, as he pounced on the mystery person. A furious struggle began, but with a full twelve stat points in strength, Seth was far more stronger than he was before. Each pubcg hr threw at the mystery person drew blood, and soon he had completely overwhelmed the 'serial killer'. Just as he was about to land a finishing blow on the poisoned, beaten and battered mysterious person, the person poked him hard in the gut.

"Lethal Qi invasion technique!"

A bright golden light covered the room, temporarily blinding Seth, as foreign Qi invaded his body. But with five hundred Qi points, his Qi fought back and even absorbed the invading Qi.

By the time Seth opened his eyes, the mystery person was long gone, and the sun had risen over the Sectdom. Seth raised a brow in confusion and looked around the room.

"Was it all a dream?'