The Jade Beauty's dad is still damn scary...

Lee Xiaoping shot his eyes open with cold fury emanating from his very being. His Chun Hua had left the Valor sect since noon and had not returned since then, obviously he would be in a very bad mood. "Well, not anybody can harm an peak stage cultivator of the Qi manipulation realm like Chun Hua anyways, but still. I don't like her roaming the Sectdom by this time of the night!"

Then two sets of light footsteps could be heard from the staircase below. Xiaoping's head snapped to the side sharply as he felt a very familiar aura approaching his abttttode, one he had been waiting for, no less.

'Chun Hua is back!'

But his joy was soon splashed with cold water as he could feel another faint aura by her side. 'It's a man's aura...' Then his frown deepened even more as he furrowed his eyebrows and wrinkled his forehead.

'Did Chun Hua sneak out in the afternoon to meet a man?!!'

What a disgrace! He, a respected cultivator among all of the sect heads, being unable to rope his successor, his only daughter in place, such that she could easily sneak about and meet men?!. 'I am going to kill that man!'


Unaware of the massive killing intent, Seth and Lee Chun Hua continued to stroll over to the top of the staircase. Lee Chun Hua suddenly halted in her steps with a frown on her face, making Seth raise a brow in confusion.

"Is something wrong,?"

Lee Chun Hua had just felt a choking amount of killing intent emanating from her father. He was very angry. In her heart, she smirked and thanked the heavens that Seth could not feel auras yet. Her father's killing intent was enough to make her skin crawl, and she was an eighth stage cultivator of the Qi manipulation tier. What then would it do to a mere tt tier?

"N-Nothing. Everything's okay."


The door slid open, and Chun Hua poked her head in. Her eyes scanned across the room, they met with a particular pair of menacing red eyes that made her flinch. She tinstantly entered into the room and bowed down from her waist, cupping her hands.

"Good evening, Father..."

Lee Xiaoping furrowed his brows even more as his forehead creased far deeper than was humanly possible.

"Evening? EVENING?! Its almost morning for heaven's sake!!"

Lee Chun Hua replied with a sheepish grin over her face.

"Pardon this young one, father. I merely took a stroll to ease myself from the pressure of cultivation."

On an ordinary day, Lee Xiaoping would have smiled and let her go to her room and rest, however tonight he was beyond angry.

"Whoever is behind the door, come into my presence right now, if you value your life, or stay there and wait for me if you wish to court death."

Behind the door, Seth's eyes widened and his heart began to beat rapidly.

'The Jade beauty's father is always damn scary!!'

Taking a deep breath to calm his heart, even by a little bit, he opened the door and made a bow. However, he made a light English bow, barely bending his back, with one hand on his chest and the other behind his back.

"G-Good morning, Sir..."

If Lee Xiaoping was angry before, he was furious now! How dare this mundane tier piece of trash disrespect him so? He, the head of the Blazing Valor sect? He would surely kill this man later.

"Humph. And you are?"

Seth presented his most friendliest smile, and extended his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Sethren. Serpentis Sethren, but my friends call me Seth..."

Lee Xiaoping stared at the extended hand with disdain, and turned around to face Chun Hua.

"And you brought this ... 'thing', to my abode for what reason?"

Lee Chun Hua smiled brightly as she put her bands on her slender waist.

"I want you to let him into the sect!,... also his house was destroyed from the attack!"

She believed that Seth was another undiscovered genius that needed to be roped into the clan before some other clan snatched him up or at least that was what she told herself, while she knew deep within her that all she wanted to do was compare their progress and see who cultivates faster.

"No way!.." Lee Xiaoping shook his head.

"Actually, I'm not ready to join a sect yet." Seth cut in abruptly.

The older man widened his eyes. It felt like his ego had been stabbed by a weapon made from a spirit demon grade Qi shard and then burnt to ashes ten times over.

How dare this mundane tier piece of trash REJECT an invitation to his sect? Hundreds of thousands of powerful cultivators were dying for a spot in the outer, outer court as a worker, yet his daughter had personally brought this Seth guy to him, and the Seth guy had the guts to reject it. Well, he was not really going to let him into the sect, but he expected the young man to kowtow, instead of outright rejecting the offer.

'I will surely have his head rolling on the floor this very morning!'

Lee Xiaoping swallowed his anger in pretend concern and nodded towards Lee Chun Hua.

"You did well, child. Since the last protector, the founder of our great Blazing Valor sect, Ancestor Lee, has passed, it is our duty to compensate the unfortunate people affected..." Then he faced Seth with a fake smile.

"Please, follow Chun Hua, and she shall lead you to the guest quarters."

As he glanced over the stunned youngsters, he turned around and started to meditate in the room.

"Sleep well, young ones."

Lee Chun Hua heaved a sigh of relief. She could very easily see her father attacking Seth in anger. Meanwhile, Seth was inwardly unhappy with himself. 'I think he dislikes me... kind of."

He could not yet feel auras, and since, for some reason, Chun Hua chose not to tell him about how close he was to death, he saw it as an awkward meeting that did not go perfectly well.

However, as soon as they left the room, Lee Xiaoping opened his eyes and frowned.

"Su Bai."

In an instant, a long haired youngster roughly as old as Lee Chun Hua and Seth rushed into the room and knelt down.

"You called, elder Lee?"

Lee Xiaoping smirked and beckoned for the man to stand up.

"Go and take care of the guest we have tonight. But be very careful. Make sure to dispose of the body."

Su Bai nodded and stood up to leave.

"I will perform this task to the best of my ability."