'Come on', she said, 'it will be okay', she said, and now I'm stuck in an awkward breakfast!

After the rather odd events that happened at the door, Seth went in and took a nice warm bath. If they were going to show him hospitality, then it would be rude of him to not welcome it to the fullest. Even if he was going a teensy tiny bit overboard since the sect head, the terrifying Lee Xiaoping himself, was not particularly happy about him leeching off them.

'It seemed like he disliked me quite a lot.'

After using the strange glimmering concoction in the bathroom that he thought was soap, and chewing on something that looked and smelled like mints, he felt like a hundred million bucks as he left that bathroom, all clean and squeaky. All the grime and blood of yesterday had been washed away, and he was clean enough to go on another hunting spree today.

'I can't wait to see what twelve stat points in strength can do for me!'

Almost as soon as he opened the door, Lee Chun Hua was already at his nose.

"Hey Seth, would you... um... like to have breakfast with us... before you.. leave?"

Seth's ears perked up and his eyes widened. Was that not going too far? It was already obvious that Lee Xiaoping did not want him there, but taunting fate by going to brazenly have breakfast with them when he was only meant to spend a night, that was... just wrong.

"No. No way, I'm sorry, but I really can't."


Initially Seth had refused as that was clearly crossing some boundaries. He had crashed in their place without REALLY having permission to, used their spirit grade herb concoction as soap, and chewed the hundred year old mint clover. How could he then have face to eat breakfast with them?

However, Lee Chun Hua was very, very persuasive. 'Come on' she said, 'it will be okay', she said. And now, Seth was sitting on the floor across the other end of the table with an almost deafening quietness permeating the room. The silence was so awkward, that Seth even considered excusing himself and getting the hell out if there. To make things worse, Lee Xiaoping was glaring down at him with terribly concealed malice gleaming in his eyes, and the mother was excitedly staring at him as if she were expecting him to propose to Chun Hua in the next second.

'So awkward...'

To make things even MORE worse, his stomach began rumbling in annoyance as he couldn't possibly start to eat when his hosts had not eaten yet. Why wouldn't it, when all kinds of delicacies were lying untouched on the table, everything ranging from steamed white rice to some sort of sautéed fish, and everything in between. He was not really into eating these stuff, and would have preferred some pancakes and maple syrup, but right now, he would kill for a single dumpling. He did not really visit anywhere other than his father's grave and his mother's hospital room and just spent all his free time reading webnovels back on earth, but still, starting to eat before the hosts began their meal just felt very wrong, so he had to tighten his stomach and bear it.

"So,..." Lee Xiaoping cleared his throat and glared at Seth.

"Your name, Seth, is rather peculiar. Do you mind me asking what empire you're from? I have seen the birth records of the three empires, and I did not see any Seth among all the Kims, Parks, Li's, and Matsumotos."

Seth froze for a second or two. He knew that he should have changed names almost as soon as he had transmigrated!

"Well, um... I... I'm from... outside the empires?"

"There's land outside of the empires?!" Xin Jiaoxian raised a brow in confusion.

"Of course there is, it's... uh.. Its so far away, that its almost like it's not there, haha.." Seth let out a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

Why the hell was he feeling so nervous? No, in fact, the question he should be asking was how things had gotten to this! He had woken up in a new world, found his transmigrator's cheat, and went down to the beast lands to complete his daily mission, and now he was having breakfast with the family of Lee Xiaoping, sect head of the Blazing Valor sect. It was crazy.

Lee Xiaoping narrowed his eyes as he glared down at Seth with disdain. Picking up his chopsticks, he sighed.

"Let's eat."

The family of three picked up their chopsticks and began their meal, only to abruptly stop soon after.

"Seth?... what's wrong?"

The black haired guy chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head once again.

"Nothing!... nothing.. um... carry on, I'll soon start eating. I just gotta... uh, do something first."

They all gave him strange looks, but continued on with their meals anyway. Meanwhile, Seth was a sweaty, nervous mess.

'Why did I never learn how to use chopsticks? I friggin sold noodles for five years!!"


After the rather awkward breakfast, in which Seth had to learn how chopsticks worked and use them like an asian born person would in less than five minutes, it turned out that he was a rather fast learner though. Anyways, after the breakfast, Seth found his way out of the pagoda and fled without looking back. He was positively sure that if he were to spend one more minute there, he would be roped up into joining in one event or another. Lee Chun Hua had just tidied up herself after taking a long, long bath, only to discover that Seth had disappeared.

It was quite a bummer, as she had been looking forward to him accompanying them for some beast hunting. Well, she would just have to stalk him once again to see how fast he would advance to the next tier.

'How disgraceful that I, the only successor of the great Blazing Valor sect, stalking a man.' Chun Hua shook her head. But why did she have a smile on her face?