The system is quite a stressful buyer

_huff_ huff_ huff_

Seth panted loudly as he stopped at the desolate wasteland. He had ran almost a mile in no less than thirty minutes. Sure, athletes from earth had already surpassed a mile in the four to five minute mark, but for him, a person who would not walk the short distance from the noodle shack to his house merely a block away and would chose to sleep in the shack some nights, it was very impressive.

"So that's what eleven points in agility can do?"

Today, he was quite a few hours earlier than yesterday, so he would be able to grind quite a lot before he got the daily quests. Two obsidian black blades appeared in his palms, and he confidently walked into the cave.


Like before, it was quite a while before he could find any beasts, and the first beast he managed to spot was one of the ant type creatures he encountered last time. However, last time he was a level zero with one stat points in strength and agility. Today, he has twelve strength, and eleven agility. Not to mention five hundred Qi points, but he only viewed the Qi stat as an exp bar of sorts.

In a flash, the ant type creatures dashed at him like the one from yesterday did, but he was ready. He swiftly dived underneath the creature and slashed upwards while he was at it. The ant was merely a mundane level creature, and the daggers had ascended level poison. The creature roared in agony and began writhing around as the poison was doing it's work, while Seth clenched his fists and pummeled the ant's head. A few minutes of dull heavy thuds later, and Seth fell to the ground in exhaustion. He survived the beast attack all by himself, and without sustaining even one scratch.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the Qi shard from the creature's revolting body, but his eyebrows furrowed when he tried to absorb it.

_ring_ ring_

[Error: Qi Shard unable to be absorbed]

[Cause: Shard level is too low]

'So that's how it is...'

Seth sighed in disappointment. He really was looking forward to increasing his Qi so he could quickly advance and get as strong as Chun Hua. If he was unable to absorb the ascended level Qi shard because it was too high for him, then it was only made sense for him to be unable to absorb the mundane level Qi shard once he had left the mundane tier.

_ring_ ring_

Another holographic screen immediately overlapped the previous one which then faded into nothingness.

[Daily Quest: Advance as quickly as possible!]

[Requirement: Kill four Awakened level beasts]

[Reward: +2 unassigned stat points per beast]

"Even the daily quest has levelled up.' Seth chuckled to himself as he read the holographic screen in front of his nose. Yesterday, when he was still at the mundane tier, the quest required him to kill two mundane level beasts. However, he was now at the Body Awakening level, and was required to kill four awakened level beasts.

"Well, it's only fair since I just took out a mundane level creature in less than five minutes without sustaining any injuries at all."

It was all for the best, probably. At least he would get to level up faster by fighting higher beast levels. Everything was sort of alright, only leaving one minor loophole.

"Now what the hell do I do with this?"

He still had the mundane tier shard in his palm. He could not really bring himself to throw away the incandescent crystal, leaving him with one last option.


Back when he held the Qi shard of an ascended level beast, he could not absorb it because his level was too low, then came the option to sell it to the system. Then, he desperately needed a weapon and chose to craft it into his prized daggers, but now, he had no other choice.

_ring_ ring_

[Store function has been opened]

[Please specify your desired transaction]



Seth lingered on the buy tab for a second or two in curiosity, wondering what kind of amazing weapons were hiding in there, but ended up choosing the sell option as that was his original goal.

_ring_ ring_

[Sell function has been opened]

[Please specify the type of item you wish to exchange]



[Magical items]

The Qi shard was obviously not armory or weaponry... though it could be used to make either of those things.

"Magical items."

_ring_ ring_

[Magical items tab has been opened]

[Please input the type of object]

"Mundane level Qi shard."

Seth sighed in frustration. If selling a single item to the store was going to be this hard, then he would hot be making any transactions in the near future.

_ring_ ring_

[A mundane level Qi shard sells at 100 Store coins]

[Would you like to exchange?]


_ring_ ring_

[Qi shard has been exchanged for one hundred store coins]

[You will receive a notification soon]

The last words before his eyes made him raise a brow in slight confusion.

'Why is it acting like a mobile phone when buying cellular data?'

_cha ching_

This time, the holographic screen appeared with a cash register type of sound.


[Main Balance: 100 Store coins]

Seth sighed once again, but this time, it was in relief as the ordeal was finally over. Now, it was time to hunt some beasts.

Hiding awkwardly behind a rather small rock, Lee Chun Hua frowned slightly as Seth stopped looking into space and talking to himself. Since she had gotten here a couple of minutes ago, he had been uttering words at random and staring at one particular spot in the air, but no matter how hard she looked, heck she tried her hardest to sense even a minute disruption in space, but there was nothing there.

"So... he's crazy?"

That was the only explanation that made sense. Anyways, crazy or not, this guy was a cultivation genius almost at her level, and she wanted to see how much he could grow in such a short amount of time.