Die Damnit!

"Fucking die already!'

"Damn resilient piece of shit!"

Loud roars replied back, and were followed by even more harder screaming, cursing, and stabbing.

Seth had rather good reason for screaming bloody murder, as for the first time since... yesterday? His Poisonous Peril dagger set had failed him. A rather revolting hunched spider creature with rows and rows of disgusting fangs in it's maw and hundreds of hairy tentacles where its eyes should have been, roared at him with a black dagger stuck halfway into it's skull. Any ordinary creature should have been dead from the ascended level beast's poison, but it seemed like this tentacled spider had a slight immunity to poison. Currently, it was trying to bite his face off and slowly melt him into a fluid, drink it up, and digest his body while he was still alive.

"Damn it all! I thought this cave would be more like a dungeon or something?! Where the heck are the orcs and goblins at, huh?"

He stabbed the other Poisonous Peril deep into the beast's jaw, and rolled away from it to take a breather.

_pant_ pant_

Turns out that even among the ascended level beast's, some were stronger than others. If he were to call the scorpion-like creature an ascended level beast of the first stage, then the spider like thing... or was it an octopus like thing? Anyways, the creature should at least be an ascended level beast of the second stage. Just how a first stage cultivator of the Qi manipulation tier would be far weaker than that of the second stage. How unfortunate was it that he just happened to run into an ascended level beast while he was merely looking to murder only a meagre amount of four awakened beasts.

'Curse you, Lady Luck!!!'

How the hell was he supposed to get out of this one?

Sighing, Seth dived to the floor and merely avoided a revolting tentacle that smashed the exact spot where he had stood by a hair's breadth. He had a whole eleven points in agility, so running around at a fairly high speed was not too much of a problem, the only problem left was that the beast had no problem running around at a fact high speed too.

"Fucking hell!"

Seth clutched hard on the other Poisonous Peril, and swiftly turned around and sliced one of the tentacles, only for it to grow back in a second and whack him in the face. He dizzily stumbled on his own feet, and fell to the floor with a thud. This was it. This was where he would die. The creature opened up its mouth and began swallowing Seth's unconscious body, only for a long haired beauty to walk up to it.

"How dare you touch the only interesting person I have seen in the last ten seasons, you... creature. Rejoice, for your worthless life is about to be taken by I, Lee Chun Hua of the Blazing Valor sect."

That was so cringe that the creature growled at the unlucky fool who interrupted it's meal, then swiftly attacked. However, Chun Hua poked it in its forehead, and its revolting body burst like an overfull balloon.

"Four dantian Qi explosion technique."

She had originally planed to watch from the sidelines and not interfere at all with whatever he was doing, no matter what, but she could not just watch him get eaten, could she? And by a mere ascended level beast of the second stage no less.

"I think he needs a healer or something...."

Seth was not moving... or breathing... Heck, she wasn't even sure that he was still alive, but she could not just let her only source of entertainment die like that.


Seth woke up with a long groan, his head ached, and his ears rang. He rubbed his eyes and looked around himself. He was still in the cave, but the beast was gone. All that remained of what he thought was the beast, was nothing more than a vile puddle of blood and guts. It was splattered all over the walls, floor, and even over his body.

"Disgusting. I wonder what happened to it though, did it get hit with an atomic bomb or something?"

No beast could so thoroughly annihilate another beast in the manner that the hairy spider... octopus... thing had been killed. Beasts always either left a body, or they ate the body. They would never leave the mushed flesh and disembodied limbs and go, would they?

Picking up the other dagger from the grime puddle, he wiped it on his robes, quickly regretted that action with a few curses, and continued on his way to find four awakened beasts and complete his daily mission. Any normal person would have left by now, but Seth in his right mind would not simply leave a whole four stat points just like that. A few steps further, and he arrived at a shallow stream of sorts. This was something he needed very much, as he was pretty sure that the foul stench emanating from him right now was enough to scare away the beasts.

'I think I'll just wash up a bit.'


Lee Chun Hua could not find Zhang Wei, and had to end up contacting the last person she would want to talk to when she had something to do with anyone that wasn't family. Especially when that anyone happened to be a male.

"Senior sister Xin Minxia."

Minxia was Chun Hua's maternal cousin. A cultivation genius under the Renegade Dao sect, and a jade beauty even surpassing that of Lee Chun Hua. At the mere age of eighty eight seasons, she was already at the ninth stage Qi manipulation tier. Some people unlocked healing Qi, some people unlocked battle Qi, but Xin Minxia unlocked a bit of both. Noticing the younger woman bowing face down, she smiled slightly.

"Oh, hello junior sister Chun Hua. What may I do for you?"

Chun Hua rolled her eyes at Minxia's display of elegance. It was all for show, as she knew what the older woman was really like. Not just anyone could forcefully dual cultivate with twenty Qi Reinforcement cultivators at the same time.

"I... I need your help healing someone."