A loli a day, keeps boredom away

Seth had woken up quite very early the next morning. Ever since his last conversation with Old man Shiro about the Ancient scroll, his heart had been in a frenzy. Seth was contented with his system, only that his growth progress had been severely stunted since awakened beasts were practically extinct. If he did not hunt awakened level beasts, then he would be unable to ascend higher. The Qi shards of mundane tier beasts did nothing for him anymore, and he was stuck in a limbo where he was. For the first time since he had achieved the scroll, he began questioning just how potent a system actually was.

'Would it not be better for me to use the essence of the scroll and transform it into something more useful?'

Sure, many MCs in the novels he had read had grown very quickly with the help of the system, but it turned out that systems weren't really the fastest wat for a character to grow. Especially when one told its user to hunt an extinct level of beasts. If he were to hunt anything over the Awakened tier, not that he even could, then he would be unable to absorb it's Qi shard, and if he were to kill anything below the awakened tier, he would be unable to absorb the Qi shard because it would be way too low to have any effect.

"Maybe i should change it to something else and switch over, then go back to the system once I'm stronger?"

It was not really a bad idea, but the question laid on the vague probability that old man Shiro's theory was true. If he was able to transform the system into something else, then he would be able to grow powerful and....

'I still haven't figured out what I'm gonna do next, huh?'

Anyways, he knew that he was going to participated in the Imperial Sky Emperor's trial. Partly because he already had the scroll of unlimited power and was sure to win, and partly because he did not want to be unalived by the Imperial Sky Emperor for 'stealing' the scroll.

"Seth-san. Where are you going?" A little voice called out from the darkness. What the hell was a six year old going up by three in the morning?! At least Seth thought that it was three in the morning, as he had no way to tell the time.

"Uh... Its big people stuff." Seth sheepishly scratched the back of his head. He had to play it safe around this kid, because she somehow made on the nose guesses on a persons activity. Perhaps it had something to do with Old man Shiro's special clan technique.

Asami frowned slightly and put her tiny little hands on her waist. Her pink hair was a stark contrast to her glistening emerald eyes.

"You're going to go and cultivate so you can be as strong as papa, aren't you?"

"Yeah I can work with that."


The two strolled through the silent streets, and stopped at a small hill. She had absolutely refused to stay home, and Seth had tlet her


"Yes, Asami?"

"Are you going go be staying with us forever? We don't usually get any visitors and I have nobody to play with."

A genuine smile found it's way to his lips. He had been smiling a lot more lately, wasn't he? He couldn't really bear to burst the child's bubble and tell her that he was basically leeching off them, or that he was only there because he had no other choice.

"I'll stay for as long as I can."

The two climbed the hill in silence, before Asami's small voice broke through the night.


The little girl and her endless bag of questions could be considered annoying, but for Seth who hunger and frustration had been his only allies for over ten years, it was a very welcome change.

"Yes, Asami?"

"Why is your hair so weird?"

Seth raised a brow in confusion. How the hell was his hair weird? He had a completely normal haircut compared to the guys of this world ago were either bald, had long hair parked into ponytails, or bald and yet still had the ponytails somehow. Wait. Wasn't that the exact reason why she would think his hair weird?

'Maybe I should shave my head or something.'

Asami frowned and pouted at him, her puffy cheeks swelling even more.

"I guess that you're probably thinking about cutting your hair, aren't you? I never said that your hair was bad, I just said that it was weird. Don't go and shave it! If you do, then I'll not talk to you anymore."

Seth froze for a split second. Sometimes, the girl's guesses were so on point, that it was like she was a psychic. She already had the pink hair and the green eyes, all she needed left were black horn thingies on her head.

"..." He did not even know what to say. Like all children, Asami took his silence as a yes and proceeded to ask another question.

"Hey Seth-san?..."


"Where do babies come from?"

This time, the black haired youth had his eyes blown open and his mouth was agape. What concerned a six year old with where babies came from?

"W... Why do you ask?"

The little girl tilted her head in confusion.

"Well duh?, when I asked mama for a younger brother, she said that papa couldn't handle making a baby anymore. So I want to go to the source, and get one myself."

As he had expected, it was a childish reason. But that did not mean that he was going to answer the question. Luckily, they had arrived at the top of the hill at that exact moment, giving him a few seconds of respite. Asami herself was at the early stage of the Body Manipulation realm, a few stages stronger than him, but she still had a child's body, and ascending the hill took a toll on her little body.

Seth looked at the panting child and smiled lightly. He could not imagine how boring the ascent of the hill would have been without the annoying loli.