Perilous Prince of Poison

Lee Chun Hua sat tiredly on the hard rock floor. Around her, Nyakumi and Xin Minxia healed the rest of the cohort. They had just survived against a horde of hell spawns, a praiseworthy feat indeed, and desperately needed some time to recuperate. But not all of them though...

Seth himself, stood at the edge of the cliff while gazing down at the landscape below. There was another horde that was swiftly approaching. This time, the hell spawns were in the form of ten metre tall skeleton like creatures, having thin red skin that clearly showed the outline of their bones, and long arms that ended in bone scythes at their feet. Where their face would have been, were rows and rows of inch long fangs.

Far behind them, a group of vile abominations were grouped together. The loud screaming and sputters of blood clearly showed that some fool was unlucky enough to be caught by the hell spawns. But that was not his problem. His problem was that the vile creatures were approaching their location. By now, Chun Hua who had a much higher perception due to her aura sensing ability could tell that something was up. Turning to Seth, she asked tiredly.

"Another horde?"

However, Seth smirked darkly and shook his head. He stretched his hand out in front of him, and a sledgehammer made out of onyx black energy materialized itself. The black haired youth took another glance at the creatures below, and the wind carried his voice as he leapt off the cliff.

"It's dinner."

The rest of the cohort cursed and groaned in annoyance, yet quickly got up on their feet anyways. Here on the Trial grounds, not acting fast enough could lead to your death. But by the time they walked a few steps to arrive at the edge of the cliff, they could not help but stare with their mouths agape.

"How did the Perilous Prince of Poison get so strong?"

"That's a mystery I guess we'll never know..."

Below them, Seth was laying waste to the horde of hell spawns climbing the rocks to get to the cliff edge. He swung his arms, and the hammer whistled as it sliced through the air. With a thunderous boom, every creature in his path was blown away.

As he fell down the edge of the cliff, each creature he brushed past began writhing in pain as they fell down with him. Soon enough, his free fall had come to an end, but as he landed on his feet atop a hell spawn that burst to pieces from the pressure, the hammer disappeared and was swiftly replaced with a scythe. This scythe was no ordinary scythe, as instead of a pole, there was a long chain which he had already wrapped tightly around his fist. He swung the chain around like a possessed mad man, and the hell spawns within reach of the blade were shredded to pieces. Seth then switched from the chained scythe to a large axe, as he dived even deeper into the thousands strong hell spawn horde.

It was not everyday that he got this much numbers to add, and he had to make sure he got all of it. The black axe was enough to cut down the creatures with one strike, and cut down the creatures Seth did. However, it seemed like the sheer amount would soon overwhelm him, making his comrades at the top of the cliff pale in complexion.

"Chun Hua? Shouldn't we help The Prince?"

Park Ju Hui turned around to face the black haired young woman. The red haired young man, Baek Daechul, also seemed to share her opinion.

"Yeah, Hyung-nim might need our help."

However, Xin Minxia thought otherwise.

"Have you ever seen The Prince ask for help before?"

The Perilous Prince of Poison needed no one's aid, and neither did he aid others. It had taken quite a lot for them to get him on their side, and since then, life had been much easier. They no longer had to face death each time there was a hell spawn horde, even if it was at the heavy cost of all the Qi shards they were meant to get on the way.

Lee Chun Hua was one of the very few who had known the Perilous Prince of Poison before his rise to power, and as she stared at the beautiful scene of absolute carnage unfolding before her, she could not help but wonder how Seth had gotten so strong.

Back then, she had easily defeated him, and barely letting him live after their battle. But right now, she herself knew that if they were to fight without her using all of her innate ability, she would lose. Even more surprising was the fact that it had been merely five monthe since they had entered this hell together, five months ago Seth was the weakest of them all. He was merely at the Nascent Body realm when the Trial had begun. But now, she did not even know what realm to measure him with.

A large shockwave erupted from the ground, tearing the earth in two as a giant hammer descended from the skies. However, some of the creatures had surprisingly managed to survive the fatal attack. But Seth smirked once again, and the hammer turned into a sword.

"Come on, bitches."

He hacked, slashed, and stabbed the abominations with impunity, each one dying by one or two strikes. At this point, even the vile hell spawns, creatures formed from the depths of the nine hells, seemed to fear this one man and began running for their lives.

However, the bloodthirsty youth would not let them go free. He dashed after the escapees, and swiftly ended their lives with just one strike of the newly formed spear in his hands, such that in thirty minutes, blood and guts littered the floor. A lone man stood before the carnage, with slabs of flesh slung over his shoulder. He had singlehandedly killed all of the vile abominations by himself alone. Seth could not help but let a smile form on his face as he considered how much he himself had grown.


Five months ago.

The Imperial Sky Emperor had finished his speech, entirely changing the mindsets of over twelve thousand powerful cultivators. They had just learnt that hey were in a kill or be killed situation, and swore within their hearts to be the person to survive. Another bright light blinded them all, and they all found themselves isolated from every other person. However, Seth in particular found himself in the middle of a desert.

"Fuck it..."