
Seth squinted slightly as he stared at the landscape before him. Everywhere he looked, it was just sand, more sand, and even more sand within his line of sight. Despite the grey skies that perpetually looked like a thunderstorm was brewing, and the stench of blood that sent shivers down his spine, the desert was exceedingly hot. Heck, the glare from the sand alone was enough to burn his eyes.

"Fuck it all..."

How did he end up being unlucky enough to find himself in a freaking desert?!

Luckily, he had a great advantage over many a thousand people here. During the three months he had spent at the forger's sect, not only did he learn the intricate details of almost everything he saw, he also took the time to practice making a bunch of stuff from earth.


An ethereal white burst of energy emanated from his hand, and very slowly took the shape of a wide beach umbrella. Even if he knew how to harness the power of the scroll residing within himself, he still wasn't so proficient with it that he would be able to create stuff in seconds. After a few dozen minutes, minutes in which the black haired youth cursed loudly until the heat made him feel dizzy, the umbrella was finally completed. Seth sighed in relief as he plopped down under the shade.


Now, he would have to stay in the shade, wait till nightfall, and get the hell outta this desert. The heat grew hotter and the temperatures grew as hours ran by, such that by the time the shadows ceased to appear despite there being no sun, the sand outside of his shade was hot enough to roast a barbeque. No mundane umbrella would have been able to survive the scorching rage of high temperatures, but the Scroll Seth's power stemmed from was deityslayer grade, thus everything the black haired youth created using that power, were also of the deityslayer grade. Soon enough, the temperatures swiftly began drop, leaving a shivering Seth in its wake.

'I should've bought that coat when I had the chance...'

The previously hot desert, had completely turned into a frozen winter wonderland.


Seth called out, and the umbrella turned back into ethereal energy, gradually taking the shape of a thick winter jacket. He actually did not really need to call out the name of whatever he wanted to manifest, seeing as he could very easily will the object into reality, but for some reason it made him feel better.

The coat materialized itself, instantly making his body a few degrees warmer. With a contented smirk, Seth decided to move forward. The black haired youth walked a few hundred metres, before coming to an abrupt stop. His breathing turned heavy as his face paled in absolute terror. The Imperial Sky Emperor had told them that there would be monsters here, so Seth had expected to see a few high level beasts, but what was in front of him... What was in front of him could not even be called a beast anymore.

It was a humanoid creature with two pairs of eerily pitch black hollow eyes that seemed to peer into his very soul. Its jaws were at least five metres wide, and it stood at nine feet in height. Rows and rows of razor sharp teeth decorated it's maw, and perhaps the most disturbing thing was the smiling face inside of its mouth. Indeed, the abomination had an extra head within it's mouth, that was perpetually locked in a disturbing, unnerving smile that stretched up to it's forehead. It's imposing, hunched figure was apparently munching on what would have been a person, as he could see the fleshy remains of various body parts littered around. The creature paused it's feast and gazed at the small human interrupting it's meal. No, it gazed at the next addition to its meal instead.

Seth could feel goosebumps running down his spine, as he stared agape in total horror. This was not something anyone deserved to see, not even in their nightmares. He wanted to run, but his legs could do nothing more than shake in his sandals. But he had to do something - Anything! If he wanted to survive.


He could not die here! He still had to avenge the murder of old man Shiro and his family, he still had not tasted the strength the main characters of the novels he had read usually achieved, he still had many a thousand thousand experiences to experience in this new world.

Through sheer will alone, Seth managed to break through the creature's mind attack that held him in place, and instantly called upon Baek Sunghoon's flying sword.

"Get me out of here!"

He had no intentions on battling with this monster, As he was sure to lose. He was still weak - he couldn't deny it, and thus had no chance against the vile abomination. However, would a lion let go of a prey already locked in its jaws? The creature had no intention of letting it's side dish get away!

As the flying greatsword swiftly swooshed at him and whisked him away, the beast suddenly opened it's mouth wide. Too wide for any creature to be able to. The smiling head within it's mouth was launched like a missile, and quickly latched on to the hilt of the sword. Cackling evilly and licking its lips, it's pitch black eyeholes raised higher to look at a horrified Seth.

"I shall dine on your flesh, and wine on your blood!"

Seth's heart skipped a beat as he heard its deep guttural voice, he was surprised at its ability to speak. But surprise and terror would not override his will to survive, thus he instantly summoned the set of Onyx Deaths and plunged them into the smiling head's empty eyeholes. Instead of writhing in pain like a normal creature would, the disembodied head instead closed in on his hands, and started feeding on his fists. He could not feel any pain, but the disgusting feeling of getting your hands eaten by empty eyeholes made him squirm, and quickly withdraw his hands. But with his quick wits, almost as soon as the onyx daggers vanished back into his inventory, his hands gripped the hilt of the greatsword, trying to get the creepy head off. However that only served to tilt the greatsword greatly, and his they began plunging dozens of metres to the ground.