heh... My Cheat Is Unrivaled

Opening hid eyes, Seth blinked twice, and shook his head to get rid of his dizziness. The scroll had kicked him out of his own soul realm.

'Damned thing...'

[I can he ar you, you kn ow]


Seth stood up and dusted himself, only to find thousands of hungry eyes staring at him. Each and every surviving cultivator from the basilisk trial were glaring st him just how a predator looked at the prey. The lesser deity looked down at them all with a sneer, and then opened his mouth to speak.

[Well, since challenger twelve thousand, five hundred and fifty had awoken, let the trial begin!]


Before Seth could finish speaking, a sword flashed past his cheek, drawing blood.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

Every cultivator had their weapons in hand and were all advancing towards him. Like all humans, the adrenaline got to him in large doses and filled him with energy, and in an instant he made a run for it. The other cultivators gave hot chase, but the power of the scroll running through his veins was not something that many could keep up with. Soon enough, the black haired young man found himself behind an especially large tree, its girth spanning at least fifty feet wide.

The voice of the lesser deities could be heard from almost everywhere in the trial grounds stating the trial contents. However, the contents of this particular trial was just too unfair.

[Bonus Trial#1: Slay challenger twelve thousand, five hundred and fifty]

[Optional participation]


However, Seth had a dark smirk over his face. From his conversation with the scroll, he should have unlimited power right now, shouldn't he?

Seth outstretched his hand, and in less than two seconds a fearsome odachi lay in his palms. He willed it to turn into a spear, then a dagger, then a katana, then a mace, and even a battle axe. No matter his long the sword, large the axe, or thick the mace, it took less than a second to form.

"Neat. I should have fought a basilica months ago..."

Indeed, he only had a chance to speak to the scroll due to passing out from the injuries he obtained from the basilisk's special attack, whatever it was. An arrow whizzed past his ear, and he could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching him, however he was not worried. In fact, he was even excited. It was that feeling when you got a brand new phone and was dying to test it out. Seth did not know how to use a sword, but brute strength can compensate for skill,... right?

'I'm gonna put these bitches in the obituary column.'

He felt no guilt or any form of burden on his mind as he clutched the odachi tighter in his palms. The trial was an optional one, and they had themselves to blame for whatever happened to them.

Almost as soon as he took a step, the scroll's writing appeared before his eyes.

[Se le na Se rp en tis' {Ey es of The Se rp ent} is in act iva tion]

[Se an Ser pe ntis' {Sw ord god} is in ac ti va tion]

In an instant, his eyesight turned black and white, with each living create having a kaleidoscopic type pattern of white, black, and red covering their bodies. The grip on his sword grew even stronger, and it felt like he had just trained with the sword for two hundred years straight. The energy of the scroll ran faster in his body, supplementing him with Qi at the same time and all sounds seemed to stop, leaving only minute vibrations that could pinpoint a person's location in an instant.

[Ai m fo r th e re d]

"He he,..." Seth could not help but let out a dry chuckle.

"My cheat is unrivaled..."

Seth dashed over to the party of four that had managed to trace him at a speed that could almost rival that of Chun Hua. On seeing him, the cultivators got agitated.

"There he is! The nascent Qi guy that stole the last hit!!"

Swords were drawn in a flash, and Seth found himself in a tight spot. The clanging of steel on steel resonated all around the forest as Seth was locked in a fierce sword fight against the cultivators. Seth slashed, stabbed, and sliced with the precision of a ninth circle sword master, but his own theory was being used against him. The party of four were from no name clans and sects, thus were not much skilled, but they were using the brute strength of a Qi Reinforcement realm cultivator to make up for it. Not to mention the unknown archer somewhere out there. Seth could see the blatant red spots shining brightly on their bodies, and Hus mind began to work, Sean Serpentis' {Sword god} was capable of making him just as skilled as a very experienced sword master. His mind drew potential trajectories towards the red lines, and now it was up to him to execute them.

"Flaming fist technique!"

"Iron bones technique!"

The cultivators had begun to execute their own techniques too. Seth knew that there was literally no such thing as a weak cultivator, and each technique they used were created by revered imperials or some powerful ancestral master. The energy rushed over into his arms, making his arms bulge and his veins glow with an ethereal white glow, as he leaped at the quartet and flashed his sword. One strike, one stab, and one slash. Each one landed directly on a red zone, and the very moment that the sword penetrated their flesh, the scroll's words could be seen once again.

[Se or an Se rp en tis' {Poi son lo rd} is in ac ti va ti on]

The sword cut into their flesh, then turned dark purple as it released a large amount of toxic poison into their bloodstreams. Cultivator or not, they still had blood. The first man, who had his neck stabbed in the jugular vein, writhed around in pain and fell on the floor. It was a miracle that he was even still alive. The second had the odachi slice past his chest, somehow cutting into his heart and poisoning him in an instant, and the other two men lost their bodies from the torso.

Seth landed on the floor with a spin and coughed out blood while falling on his knees. The scroll was truly powerful, but it took a toll on his very being. Luckily, the scroll's writing appeared once again and switched off all the techniques.

[Se or an Se rp en tis' {Poi son lo rd} is de ac tiv at ed]

[Se le na Se rp en tis' {Ey es of The Se rp ent} is de act iva ted]

[Se an Ser pe ntis' {Sw ord god} is de ac ti va ted]