
While Seth was still coughing out crimson red blood, even more cultivators appeared out of the dark forest.

"There he is!"

"Its the nascent Qi guy!"

'Damn cultivators with their aura sensing...'

Seth glared at them with spite. Could they not even give him time to rest for a mere split second?! He just woke up from getting thoroughly battered not more than ten minutes ago for gods sake!

Again, the scroll's writing appeared again, but with a different technique this time.

[Se le na Ser pen tis' {mam ba str ike} is in acti va tion]

Instantly, Seth could feel the energy accumulate in his arms as an arrow flew at him. The arrow was no ordinary arrow, as it was shot by someone who had ascended to the middle stage of the Qi reinforcements realm. The arrow flew with the power of Qi backing it up, but Seth's hands moved like a flash, and the arrow was cut into two.


However, the man, Zhang Li, who had shot the arrow had his heart skip a few beats. He knew how much Qi he had poured into that arrow, how much strength he had used in shooting it, and how hard it should have been, but the nascent Qi guy cut it apart with one strike.

'He must be using some kind of technique.'

Well, if the Nascent Qi realm guy was using a powerful technique, then he would just have to continue firing until the nascent Qi guy was worn out. He was merely at the early stage of the nascent Qi realm, was he not? How hard could it be?

Zhang Li put ten arrows into his bow and fired it with acute accuracy. However, ten clangs surfaced in the blink of an eye and the broken arrows fell to the ground. The nascent Qi guy let out a dark smirk that sent shivers down their spines as the sword in his hand turned into a large axe.

"...My turn."

Zhang Li had his eyes widen into large orbs as the nascent Qi guy crossed the dostence between them in less than a split second, and in the next he could see his own feet. His head had been brutally sent flying with one strike of the especially large and fearsome battle axe and the look of shock and terror was forever etched on his face.

'This guy... This guy is not at the nascent Qi realm at all...'

His consciousness dispersed into oblivion, and the rest cultivators that had come with him had frozen in terror. That was mostly because of another technique the scroll had activated;

[Sa va nn ah Ser pen tis' {cre ep of te rr or} is in act iva tion]

The surprise of seeing their young master headless on the floor had put them in a temporary disorientation from not knowing what to do next, and combined with the {Creep of terror} the early and middle stage cultivators of the Qi reinforcement realm felt fear when looking at a fellow human.


Seth was angry. Angry because the dammed cultivators were seeking his neck due to a measly two stages rise in their damned cultivation realm. And mist if all, because they could not even wait for a second after he defeated the last set. Didn't villains usually attack in turn?

"At least that's how its done in anime..."

Thus, he changed weapons, from the fearsome onyx odachi that now had a purple undertone due to the poison, to a rather large battle axe. It was especially huge, but Seth could freely adjust its weight. He could make it as light as a sheet of paper while he carried it, and the moment it made impact with flesh, he could increase the weight to thrice its original weight and cleave a grown man in two.

[Se le na Se rp en tis' {Ey es of The Se rp ent} is in act iva tion]

[Se an Ser pe ntis' {Sw ord god} is in ac ti va tion]

The same skills as last time were activated in a flash, and Seth, imbued with the skills and aim of a sword master - no, a sword god, aimed at the biggest red zone on the man's body. His neck. Seth did not want to waste much time this time around, so he used as much strength as he could muster and cleaved the man's head off in one go. He could taste the metallic taste of blood coming up his throat and gagging him, but he stood strong. It seemed like he was not strong enough to handle three techniques at once.

"I-Iron body technique!"

"Nine dragon fiery fist technique!"

The cultivators hurriedly began performing the procedures of their clan or sect techniques, some of them ballooning up in muscle mass, and others having glowing red fists that burned whatever they punched.

Seth's body was not strong enough to handle the burden of three Serpentis techniques at once, meaning that he had to finish things really quickly.


The cultivators let out a war cry as they dashed towards him with murderous intent, and Seth dashed at them without saying anything. Anytime he said 'chaa' before attacking, then he always ended up as a sore loser. Maybe it was a cursed word in this world or something...

A cacophony of clangs erupted as his battle axe net their swords and or fists. The Qi reinforcement realm was truly impressive, as some of them were deflecting his axe with their fiery red hot fists. Of course, they did not dare touch the blade, but still, he had to give them some accolades. However, as the battle lasted longer with Seth dodging all their attacks by a hairs breadth and not receiving a scratch, and the cultivators slowly accumulating more and more injuries as time went by. Only the foolish cultivators searching for vain power and or glory had come for him. The young masters and sect heirs of the great clans busied themselves doing mini trials or going ahead into the second or third trials. It was a relief, actually. Because Seth did not want to fight Chun Hua. Forget what he thought was friendship, she would murder him before the scroll could activate a technique.