Infinite Regressor [1]

Seth watched the battle axe disintegrate into a flurry of white energy as he plopped onto the floor. Merely two hours had passed since the bonus trial had begun and he had slain at least fifty cultivators and counting. He was coughing out large amounts of blood by now and he felt generally weakened. Even moving a muscle felt like lifting a rock. This was probably the cost of using the full brunt of the scroll's power when he wasn't worthy of it yet.


At this rate, any Zhang, Liu, or Lee could kill him right now. The bushes shook, indicating that someone... or something was nearby, making Seth sigh in annoyance and outstretch his hand as much as he could, ready to summon his battle axe if need be. However, instead of some dreadful abomination, or foolish cultivator, a heart stopping jade beauty with spine lenght raven black hair, a cup size that would put many hentai characters to shame, and a generally seductive aura walked put of the forest and sat down next to him.

"Xin Minxia."

"Seth, - or should I call you The Prince. Its what everyone's calling you right now. That and also Nascent Qi realm guy"

"Please don't..."

Seth adjusted his position and sat down more comfortably on the tree root.

"So, you came to claim my head?"

He and Minxia had only formally known each other for a couple of hours, however, they both had that friend's friend vibe with each other since they both knew Lee Chun Hua. Seth was currently very wary of her though, even if he did not show it.

"when there's a bounty on your head, then there are no friends. Just foes."

"Oh please, although the two stages rise in my cultivation tier could get me well on my way into the Nascent Yin realm, I have more fun ways to cultivate... if you know what I mean."

She bit her bottom lip and made a circle with the index finger and thumb of her left hand, before poking the centre of the circle with the index of her right hand.

'This woman...'

Seth's ears burned red at her shamelessness. Not minding his flushed face, Minxia turned to face him.

"I have a proposal for you, Seth."

"I don't want to dual cultivate with you..."

It took almost all his will power to say those eight words. A man was a man after all, and Xin Minxia was... well, Xin Minxia. The alluring woman let out a light chuckle and traced his adam's apple up to his chin with her nails, which were in perfect condition and painted in a shade of crimson red despite being stranded on the Trial grounds for almost two months.

"Its a shame, because I'd love to be stuffed full with your eight inch - never mind."

Seth's head perked up at her sentence and his face flushed even redder.

"What the heck?! H-"

"Anyways!..." Xin Minxia blushed for the first time since Seth had seen her as she cut him off. "... I have another proposal for you."


Seth held his head and let out a really long sigh. What the fuck had he just heard?

"You're... really serious?"

Xin Minxia nodded with a solemn look. This was a secret that she had never shared with anyone, not even with her own father.

"What 'round' is this?"

Seth asked, his eyes glinting with curiosity. He had read hundreds of webnovels about them, but this was the first time he was ever seeing one... well, this year was also the first time that he had ever transmigrated too,... or cultivated... or met a jade beauty. Well, as good old grandpa Sevada used to say, *there's a first time for everything pipsqueak... now go get me a fucking beer and then scram!*

Yup. Good memories.

"Its the thirtieth round..."

Xin Minxia looked around as if to confirm the presence of other people, after confirming that no one was listening, she let out a long sigh.

"With the Dao of Time, I can regress infinitely. I have seen the end of this world twenty times, Seth. And in each-"

The black haired young man raised a brow in confusion.

"Twenty times? I thought you said that you had regressed thirty times?"

Xin Minxia blushed again and scratched the back of her head.

"Well.... I can't really explain what exactly was the cause of my death in a few of those particular regressions. Though it was dying in pure blissful ecstasy, so I don't really regret it that much, but if you're ever thinking of dual cultivating with an Imperial, then don't. They have girths as huge as horses-"

"Alright enough! Why did you tell me about the Dao of Time, why didn't you tell Chun Hua?"

Xin Minxia fiddled with her fingers for a bit before making a reply.

"Because... She would hate me for what I've done..."

She turned to face Seth again, and this time, he could see an emotion that did not really match with the seductive face.

"You see, in each and every Imperial Trial, Lee Chun Hua emerges victorious. She kills every other cultivator and obtains the key to unlimited power. The key is actually a scroll containing the techniques of transcendence. She then ascends into a deity, and helps them destroy the world. Well, at least that was in the zero round. The first round was pretty much the same, only that I began seeking for ways to stop the apocalypse. I tried stopping her from going to the imperial trial, only for someone else to win it instead and transcend. That person comes along with the other deities and destroys the world again, making Chun Hua of the second round swear to tear down the heavens. If not for her, then the first round wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Eventually, we were killed by the deities and I started in the next round. In this round, I helped her get to the top ten in the imperial trial and in the final battle royale, she killed herself to save me. I went on to transcend and tried to stop the deities, but..."