Infinite Regressor [2]


Xin Minxia smiled and flicked away a tear forming on her face.

"I only ended up causing a war that destroyed every living thing in existence. Both our world, the other realms, and the realms beyond..."

Seth suddenly felt very wary of Xin Minxia. She knew about the existence of other realms?

The jade beauty chuckled lightly as she continued.

"Then after that I fell into depression. What was the point of living if the world was just going to be destroyed anyways? I asked myself that question more times than I can really remember. Thus, I chose to leave life to providence and ate away my sorrows. In that round I ended up killing my self. Then in the next round, I left life to fate and died of choking after overeating on the night before the trial. Then in the next, I discovered Ren Zhao, the Ashen Demon had also had the Dao of time, but at this point in time, I didn't really care anymore. "

"Who's Ren Zhao?"

Seth tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"We'll get to that later. Anyways, ... in the next three rounds after that, I chose to enjoy my life, stopped cultivating, and just had fun. I died a happy woman in those rounds, you know. But then I fell into depression once again, and decided to experiment. I began changing miniscule things from the part regressions and slowly altered the future. I failed five times, even went senile in the twelfth round, and then I arrived in the thirteenth round before this one. In that one, I discovered that Chun Hua had three distinct personalities in herself. There is a deity slumbering deep inside her soul. That is why her body has so much innate potential. That deity was the reason the other deities wanted to destroy all mortals too. Because the deity within her is a forbidden god. So I began experimenting with her. I-I even murdered her three times... We were children, Seth. During training, I purposely stabbed her in the heart. That awoke the slumbering god, and it took the heads of the four great clans to put her down. But the way she looked at me, I still cannot forget it. I jumped into the Demon's Valley in that round, and went to the next. I just couldn't live with my self after what I had done..."

Xin Minxia sniffled and rubbed her eyes.

"But in the next round, and every round after that even, the forbidden god tried to take revenge. S-She could remember everything from the past round's too. I had to murder a forty season old Chun Hua in each round. But at least, without her, the Imperial Trial did not happen, but I did not want to live in a world without her. She worked as hard as I did in the first ten rounds, and she deserved to see the end result of all the hard work, even more than I did. So I searched for an alternative, and perfected it in the last round before this one. I wrote the sealing technique I had perfected after almost six regressions and kept it in my grandfather's study room. When the forbidden god took over Chun Hua's body, we had her soul split. The forbidden god was just too powerful and the Ashen Flame sect was destroyed. Thus in this round, I stole grandfather's stamp, invited the heads of four great clans, and had them come on the day Chun Hua went wild. Their power combined sealed away the forbidden god, but it messed up her soul. Splitting her primarily into what I believe are her belief of good and evil. But in this round, the 'evil' side of her was able to communicate with her 'good' side. The forbidden god influences the 'evil' side, and Chun Hua is letting that side take control of the body bit by bit. If they manage to merge, then the forbidden god will awaken and her rage will destroy all there is. Thus, I need your help."

Seth was snapped out of his story daze as he scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, I don't really think I can help. I can't regress and I certainly don't know any forbidden gods... Why are you even asking me? I'm-"

"Because in all twenty nine rounds, I had never crossed parts with you!"

Xin Minxia raised her voice slightly.

"You're a variable, just like the forbidden god, and you are the only one who isn't subject to her rage, you can change her - or better still, kill her. I know that you're not from this world, Seth. But please..."

Xin Minxia bowed till her forehead was touching the floor.

"Help me save us all!"

Help me save us all... Xin Minxia had not begged anyone for help since the twelfth round. She trudged through all by herself, watched people die, and killed her best friend/only cousin with her own hands. But then in this round, a man whom she had never set her eyes upon, despite living thirty one lifetimes appeared out of nowhere. In round zero, the basilisk had killed almost all the cultivators, save for a few dozen very powerful ones, and ran around in a rampage for almost three months before it was killed. But here in round thirty, the basilisk had been killed on the first day of the trial. Seth was the one wgi caused that change, he was the only variable left who was present in this one round. Xin Minxia was tired of regressing. This round had been the best so far, she had discovered the perks of dual cultivating, she had uncovered Ren Zhao's secret library, she had done... other stuff that can't be mentioned here. And best of all, she had come this far with Chun Hua alive. The jade beauty really, really liked this round and was determined to make it her last. If everything worked put, then she would find a way to destroy the Dao of time and set herself free from the regressive loop. But it all depended on Seth's answer...

Seth sighed and rubbed his chin for a while, before coming to decision.
