Gods can be killed too

"I'll help on one condition... "

"What? You want a blowjob?"

The perverted young woman had already gotten on her knees and begun tying her hair back. How the hell had any normal child grown up to be as dirty minded as this??

"What, No!!!... well maybe... Darn No!! no, no, no, no!"

Seth shook his head violently and took a deep breath to calm his heart after letting out a really deep sigh.

"....I want you to help me end the Trial."

Xin Minxia raised a brow and tilted her head slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Seth turned around and stared at the sky, it was growing darker by now. There were hundreds of cultivators who wanted his head due to the bonus trial which he was the centre of, and it was quite possible that an ambush was being prepared somewhere. Anyways, he had only joined in the trial because he initially thought that his scroll was the key which the winner was supposed to receive, but now he knew otherwise. Thus, he had no other reason to waste his time here and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. The sick bastardized son of s bitch who murdered old man Shiro and the entire population of that side of the sectdom was still out there, and he had to conquer the other Serpentine clans else the scroll would kill him.

"I want to break the Trial. You see, you know about all the Trials to come, and I believe I have the power to clear them. Of course I'll try to get a person or two who would assist us in this task, if we manage to clear all the possible trials, then there would be no more trials to run. Then we can find a way to escape during the royal rumble thing you were speaking about, and-"

"There literally is no escape. I've tried almost ten times. This entire place is a pocket dimension created by the Imperial Sky Emperor. The entire place is absolutely impregnable as long as he wills it to be."

Seth frowned for a second before lighting up with a very strange idea.

"What if the Imperial Sky Emperor is dead, then?"


Xin Minxia raised a brow in confusion. However, she had a slight smirk over her face.

"How did you know that the gods can be killed? Almost everyone believes that they're immortal."

Seth chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.


It was actually something he had deduced all by himself. The scroll had stated that one of his ancestors had apparently murdered a god with the power of the scroll, but he couldn't possibly tell her that. He still did not trust her yet.

"Well... uh, you had said I was the variable and blah blah who could change the forbidden god, or better still, kill her. So technically you indirectly implied that the gods can be killed."

Minxia smiled really brightly now and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"You might really be an unrivaled genius like Chun Hua said you were. Thank you Seth, If we succeed in saving Chun Hua's life, then I shall grant all your deepest sexual desires. I swear on my breasts."


Seth did not bother replying this time and simply nodded.

"Lets slay a god, then."

He had sold noodles on the side of the road for five years, and had met a lot of people in the process. He knew when someone was being sincere, and that was the most sincere pledge he had ever seen anyone give. Disturbing, yes. But it was still sincere.

Anyways, after Xin Minxia left, Seth suddenly had this very strange gut feeling. In an instant, he chose to climb the tree he had been sitting upon, only for a greatsword to smash into the wood exactly where he had been a second ago. If he had stalked by even a nanosecond, then it would have been him pinned to the bark.

"Damned Bonus Trial!"

Seth formed a bow and arrow in his palms next. He deeaded the toll it would put on his body, but still chose to activate the scroll's passed down techniques.

[Se le na Se rp en tis' {Ey es of The Se rp ent} is in act iva tion]

[Se vi rax Ser pen tis' {Arch er lo rd} is in act iva tion]

This time, however, he was holding a bow and arrow. It seemed like the scroll would pick out techniques based on the weapon he was currently using. That was very convenient. Anyways, the {Eyes of the Serpent} technique by someone in his family called Selena turned his eyesight into the black and white mosaic with designated red zones. He could hear the vibrations coming from the ambushers and already knew each and every one of their positions.


Seth released an arrow at a trajectory going directly to the groin of a male cultivator. Seth knew how much it would hurt as a fellow dude, but it wasn't his fault that that area was a designated red zone, was it?

"Get the nascent Qi guy!"

A bunch of no name cultivators from no name clans dashed out of the nearby forest in a flash. Each one of them wanted the two stages rise in cultivation so badly, that Seth was adamant on using it himself. After all, a two stage rise in his belated cultivation would get him to the early stage of the Qi manipulation realm. Then he'd be able to do a kamehameha - I mean Qi wave like Chun Hua had done some time ago. However, the woman at the front of the crowd was not a no name at all...

"Hey, Nascent Qi guy! I really hate it when someone steals my glory, so I shall be having your head and claiming my two stages rise in cultivation realms."

Asuka Yamasaki, the female samurai had come to cash in the bounty.
