University entrance exam

A month before the college entrance examination, Luo Feng almost all the energy into the review. With the review, and a test of the simulation paper, the confidence of the college entrance examination, Luo Feng is more and more foot! "Test the first military school in the south, a shoo-in." This is the idea of Luo Feng. June 7, this is the first day of the college entrance examination. The Chinese nation's college entrance examination time for June 78 and 9 three days, with the big Nirvana period before the college entrance examination day. Yi'an District No. 1 high school. According to the examination arrangements, this is the three students Luo Feng, college entrance examination is in the first high school. "Daughter, come on." "Rest assured, dad." "Sweet, don't give yourself too much pressure ah."... No. 1 high school gate, gathered a large number of college entrance examination candidates and parents, and in the No. 1 high school gate, also stood a row of police armed with live bullets. "Xiao Feng ah, the test when the mentality to relax. Let's even on the first military school, the second military school is also line. Easy!" Father Luo Hongguo looked at his son, said with a smile. "Hmm." Luo Feng nodded with a smile. "Drip - drip -" with a loud car sound, saw a whole body dark, full of noble temperament of the latest Mercedes-Benz s600, in a police motorcycle escort slowly toward the first high school gate, around the parents of the candidates immediately to the side to avoid, one by one eyes are gathered in the car. The latest Mercedes-Benz s600, accelerated to one hundred kilometers per hour, only need six seconds, the speed limit reached 500 kilometers per hour. Of course, this performance is not what, Mercedes-Benz s600 as from the great Nirvana period passed down the brand, its own history is the most attractive. See Mercedes-Benz s600 down three people, laughing and talking to each other toward the school gate. "The left bald head, is our Yi'an District police chief Zhang ah." "The right one, is the Director Liu of the Bureau of Education." "The middle, that must be in charge of the examination room safety commander of the warrior." See the examination room a large number of parents, the candidates have been discussing, the vast majority of people's eyes are gathered in the central one, eyes containing excitement, admiration, curiosity. Nowadays the battle between humans and monsters, is always ongoing. And ordinary people are prohibited from leaving the urban boundaries, and the warriors, is able to one-on-one and monsters kill existence. The whole human society for the warriors, is also very grateful, grateful for their contribution to human so much. Ordinary people naturally a very worship warrior. Warrior, belonging to the human group of a group of people. "That is the warrior." Father Luo Hongguo also looked at the man, "Every time the college entrance examination of the examination room safety commander, are please warriors." "Warrior." Luo Feng looked in the past, the warrior has a kind of feeling that people see the palpitations, his eyes are like the eyes of a viper cold, a way to keep a straight face. In the face of the director of the police and the director of the Bureau of Education, the warrior just sometimes indifferent nodded, simply lazy to ignore. "In the near future, I will also get the title of warrior!" Luo Feng silently in his heart. "Ka--" the door of the first high school slowly opened. "Entry." Immediately came waves of sound. "Xiaofeng, entry. You go in." Father Luo Hongguo even says, next to the mother Gong Xinlan also says: "Go, mom will go back to cook for you, your father and brother are waiting for you to finish the exam." "Hmm." Luo Feng smiled and nodded. "Elder brother." Brother Luo Hua sat in a wheelchair, to Luo Feng put up his fist, smiled, "must refuel!" "Refuel." Luo Feng also raised his fist. Then Luo Feng turned to the examinee crowd together, after inspection, one by one through the school gate. The examination room, the test certificate and ID card on the right upper corner of the table for the examiner to check, and the paper began to fall down. "2056 Jiangnan City College Entrance Examination Science Paper A Volume" - the paper's most clear line. "The first is the science exam!" Looking at the front of the paper, Luo Feng glanced at it, and looked at the last few big questions, it seems to have met, "this question should not be difficult, the question is not difficult. My science advantage is difficult to play out, can only carefully and carefully do the problem, try to do will not lose points." Luo Feng immediately began to write.... College entrance examination there are three exams, respectively, the science examination, the liberal arts examination and the final mathematics examination. Each full mark is 250 points, the total full mark is 750 points. Science refers to physics, chemistry, biology three comprehensive. The liberal arts is value language, history, politics, geography four comprehensive. Mathematics examination, nature is a mathematics. After the great nirvana period of human beings, especially the continuous fighting between human beings and monsters, let human beings try their best to study in science and technology, martial arts. This makes everyone more clearly feel the importance of'mathematics'. Any one wants to get big achievement in the computer, biology, physics and other fields, all need a solid mathematical foundation. So - cultural education, the position of mathematics is mentioned very high. And Luo Feng is weak in the liberal arts, and in mathematics is very good. June 7, science examination. June 8, science examination. In a twinkling, it is June 9.... In the examination room, the mathematics papers have just been issued. "This is the mathematics examination." Luo Feng took a deep breath, "the science papers are not difficult, but I should be good. I also play normally in the liberal arts examination! That is to say, the two examinations of science and liberal arts should be in my normal range. The mathematics examination, as long as the play is not abnormal too much, can definitely enter the first military academy in Jiangnan." "Effort!" Give yourself a boost, Luo Feng began to bow to do the problem. The whole examination room is quiet, many candidates' brows are wrinkled up, obviously the problem is more difficult. The annual college entrance examination, the mathematics problem is not low in general difficulty. After all, this is to select the future of scientific and technological research talent. "It's really difficult." Luo Feng also felt the difficulty of the problem, "it's harder than in previous years! But... the more difficult the better!" The problem is simple, the math is worse than their own, may also be able to test 220 points, their own estimate is 230 points. The advantage is small. If the question is difficult. Maybe you can only test 210 points, but worse than yourself, maybe only 150 points. So the advantage is very big. "Pah!" Only heard a crisp sound. The invigilator immediately looked at the examination room and saw a candidate actually broke the ballpoint pen in his hand. The candidate frowned and bit his teeth, stared down at the paper, obviously the math problem was too difficult. Then the candidate threw the pen away and took out another ballpoint pen to continue the paper. "Look at the appearance of the candidate, this year's math exam is very difficult." The invigilator thought in his heart. Indeed, almost everyone in the examination room was frowning and thinking hard. Many candidates were so worried that tears fell down. The students whose mathematical foundation was poor felt... This question would not be, that question would not be, and the third question would not be... Seeing such a paper, those candidates almost broke down. An hour later, in the examination room. The math exam time is two and a half hours in total. At this moment Luo Feng has finished writing "multiple choice" and "fill in the blank", leaving "calculation". In the math exam paper, the total score of multiple choice and fill in the blank is 90 points. And the calculation is five big questions. The score of five questions is 160 points, after all, only the big calculation problem can better find the students' mathematical ability. "It's really difficult, fill-in-the-blank problem I have two gaps can't calculate." Luo Feng took a deep breath, "the following is the calculation problem, which is the key to get points. Write a problem more, that is thirty points, forty points difference!" The five calculation problems, the first four of which are 30 points, and the last one is 40 points. "Hmm?" Luo Feng encountered difficulties in the first problem of the calculation problem. On the draft paper, Luo Feng calculated and thought constantly. "Yes, here a little deformation, retrogression, can't we convert into the required equation?" Luo Feng's eyes lit up, brush! Brush! Brush! This difficulty is broken, it's easy to write, and the first problem is completely written out with a full breath, and then check it again. "Hmm, the first problem is successful." Luo Feng looked at the watch on his left wrist, and his heart jumped. "The first problem, it takes me 20 minutes? We must speed up the time." Luo Feng bowed his head and looked at the second problem. At first glance, Luo Feng felt easy, and he immediately calculated on the draft paper. "Hmm, no." Luo Feng found that he wanted to way is not open, immediately frowned and thinking, with the passage of time, Luo Feng constantly deep into the study of this problem, "Yes, it should be so. But the next proof, how to verify?" Luo Feng's brain at this time constantly rapid thinking. "Quick, quick, quick, can't waste too much time on this problem. How to prove it?" Luo Feng heart anxious. At this time - Luo Feng left hand wearing a watch, showing the 'pulse' number began to rise. Luo Feng is more impatient, the exam is to allocate time, but the calculation of the math problem, each problem score is very large. Every college entrance examination candidates, want to test results is very good, the math problem, can't be wrong too much. At this time, the attention is completely immersed in the exam questions in Luo Feng, did not pay attention to the watch pulse display. Luo Feng suddenly felt his heart as if someone knocked, eyes are a blur, this just woke up, "What's wrong with me? How can the heartbeat so uncomfortable." Luo Feng looked down at the watch test pulse readings - Luo Feng felt the heartbeat accelerated, but he only when the exam is caused by anxiety and nervousness, and did not care. Luo Feng suddenly felt his heart as if someone was beating, eyes are a blur, this just wake up, "what's wrong with me? How can the heartbeat so uncomfortable." Luo Feng looked down at the watch test pulse readings - this number, let Luo Feng face changed. Since the twelve year old coma, bought this watch, Luo Feng has never seen his heartbeat more than 180. "It's uncomfortable." Luo Feng felt as if the heartbeat to jump out of the chest, the blood in the power source "heart" constantly expanding contraction, a large number of blood surge, invisible energy into the depths of the mind of Luo Feng, suddenly, a sharp pain from the mind - "ah, ah." Luo Feng could not help but a voice. "The examinee, what's wrong with you?" The invigilator came, he was shocked to see Luo Feng. At the moment, Luo Feng, face red, as if to drip blood, forehead, arm veins outburst, but also a jump, the whole person is very fierce. "No, no - don't, slow down, slow down." Luo Feng had a bad feeling, roaring in his heart, eyes staring at the watch. "236... 242... 251...!" Boom! Boom! Boom! The heart is like a big drum, giving a low roar, blood flowing rapidly. With the eyes blurred to see the number '268', the pain in the head made Luo Feng coma, coma, faintly heard the voice - "the examinee, the examinee, wake up, wake up. Quick, call an ambulance!"